
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Felt Phone Cozy

I've been doing a lot of crafty blog reading lately and over the last week or so decided to treat myself to a few pattern downloads! I picked out some beautiful quilt patterns to work on in the New Year (my main resolution!) - Alice from Red Pepper Quilts and Skittles and Charm Bracelets from Kate Conklin Designs. I have a lovely charm pack I bought at the Knitting and Stitching show in October that I'm thinking of using for the Charm Bracelets. Then, as I was on a role, I went and downloaded this pattern for phone cosies from I've been reading Larissa's blog for a long time and love her crafty style. I saw these cosies when she first posted them and thought they were gorgeous. So tonight I was in need of something completely different and had one sewn up in no time. They are a lovely, easy make and I just love working with felt, it's such a great, tactile fabric.

The pattern is sized both for an iPhone and a smaller version for a smaller phone. It fits my iPhone perfectly and I can attach to my bag using the ribbon loop. I made this with a lovely purple wool mix felt and appliquéd on the poppies in blues and pinks and think the colours work well together. The felt is top stitched with wonky lines and I love the effect.

 I also put on a pocket at the back for my headphones - no more rummaging around in the bottom of my bag.

I put a small snap fastener on the tab closure and I added a little ribbon trim on the inside of the cozy for some extra interest!

I will definitely be making some of the other versions of this phone cozy, using up my large felt stash and it will make a perfect addition to some of my Christmas gifts this year.


  1. Heidi and I both love your latest design! We are spreading the word in Brussels!

  2. These are very very cute! Well done. Noticed you using the minki fabric on your baby quilts, love the look of it and am tempted to try it out one day. It must be soooo soft?


  3. BTW When you make this design in bags, purses, brooches etc I will have all of the above! Just add it to my ever-extending tab!

  4. Fi, the minky is just the softest thing imaginable! I would love to wrap myself up in it. Its a bit difficult to work with because its very stretchy and sheds everywhere when you're cutting it but the finished product is totally worth it!

    Helen, you didn't even need to ask!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Ah thanks for the info re: minky fabric, good to know. Fi


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