
Monday, February 21, 2011

Scrappy pincushions!

I'm taking part in my very first Flickr swap at the moment and am really excited about it! (Thanks Fi for introducing me to the whole swap concept!) This one is for scrappy pincushions and I've been having lots of fun with it. They're so small that it takes very little fabric and time to make something pretty and I think I might have another addiction in the making!

I pulled out my 2 big scrap bags (note to self - find a way of organising them instead of just stuffing them randomly in bags!) and these were the first ones to grab my eye:

I had a little scrap of quilt batting left over from the quilts and decided to do some stripes - a little like a "quilt as you go" technique I've seen in some table runner tutorials. At the end, I went back and quilted over each stripe for effect.

It's backed with a scrap of Cath Kidston home dec weight fabric. I think it turned out very pretty - in fact I'm not sure I want to give it away!!

The posting date is another 10 days away, so I have a feeling I'll be making another couple before deciding which to send.

I also made this cute little mini-pinnie! I pieced some little squares and then trimmed off the corners to make it into a hexagon. Then I did a little (not very good) free motion quilting to practise as I really want to learn to do this.

Still, it looks ok if you don't examine the stitches too carefully :-) I sewed a back on it and now I have a tiny little hexie pincushion perfect for when I'm handsewing :-)


  1. Nice! Oh my gosh, it's just so darn cute!!

  2. These are really cute. What a great idea for practicing quilting.

  3. Those are the cutest little pin cushions. The recipient will be very pleased!!!

  4. These are adorable! I love the colors all put together! Great job :)
    erica @

  5. Oh! I want to make some too now!
    And I, too, need to find an organisation method other than a 'big bag'. :D

  6. These are so super cute! You have a very lucky partner!

    Jennifer :)

  7. I will be featuring this tomorrow at Sugar and Dots!

  8. What a cute pin cushion. I was involed in the swap as well, wasn't it fun?

  9. This is adorable! Thank you for sharing! I would love for you to link up to my Ten Buck Tuesday link parties!

  10. I’m really sorry I missed out on this swap. I love making pin cushions....they are such a fun thing to create. These two are just precious.


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