
Sunday, September 18, 2011

More goodie swap sewing!

This week has not been good for sewing. I feel like I managed to get hardly anything done, a combination of work, kids and still feeling under the weather. Plus feeling quite lethargic about it all! But yesterday evening I decided I had had enough of feeling uninspired, sewing-wise, and knew that the only way to "cure" myself was to go and do a small, fun project. I've been mulling over my mug rug for Partner no 1 in the Goodie Swap for a few weeks now and after seeing Judith and Fi both turn Lee's great block tute into a mug rug, I decided that was the way to go. I really really love Lee's tute and this block is a strong contender for my month in Sew Bee Blissful. My partner's colour are a little different from the sort of palette I normally like but I just love how they go together.  I mixed in some solids as I had them in the right shades, and I used lots of fabrics in this one - Kate Spain (Fandango and Central Park) more Aviary II, Loulouthi and more! I felt it needed a neutral border so added on a strip of Kona Ash and think it finishes it off nicely although this is measuring up as a very,very big mug rug!! Oh well, I don't think my partner will mind.

After finishing binding it, I decided to break out my new Perle Cotton which I had in an Iris/purple variegated colourway and did a little hand quilting in the Ash border - a line of small stitches on the inside and longer stitches on the outside. I like the effect although I wish my stitches were more even!

So, partner no 1 is now done. I think and hope she will be pleased with her package when it arrives!

I moved on then to Partner No 2. Now, I feel I know partner no 2's taste reasonably well and she has been very active commenting in the Flickr group which is always a help. I I know exactly what I am doing for her mug rug although I won't get to it till later in the week. I've been mulling over her goodies and I know that she would probably like the needle case I made for partner no 1 too. But one of the things I love about this swap is the opportunity to do different things for different people and work with separate colour schemes. So I have been looking for an opportunity to use Ayumi's patchwork wristlet tutorial for a while and decided Partner 2 would like this.

I used Kona Ash to make my feature fabrics stand out more and I think it has a fresh clean look that I love! This is the back - don't you love those seahorses?

And this is part of the front - I'm afraid that one of the feature fabrics will just make it too obvious to my partner so I'm not showing the whole thing!

This is a really practical little pouch. It has a wrist strap (matching the interior lining) and would be perfect to hold a few small things if you don't want or need to bring your handbag out with you. Its lined with some Modern Meadow fabric, with a pocket made from Kona Ochre. The pocket is divided and easily holds some cards, notes and a lipstick. Plus your phone and keys would fit easily in there too.

So partner no 2 - I hope you like it! More on the way for you - I have another (little) goodie in mind for you as well as your mug rug. Keep watching :-)

PS. If you're looking for my Kona solid giveaway for 5 half metres of Kona cottons, pop over here to enter! It closes tomorrow evening so don't miss out!

Linking up to:

{Sew} Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations


  1. It's wonderful - thanks for the link, I've bookmarked it ready for future use! I love the hexy mug rug and the hand quilting really finishes it nicely - lucky partners!

  2. love that hexie mug rug. but the wristlet has my name written all over it. I will look so stylish when I carry it to the Sewing Summit in Utah next month. I sure hope it arrives on time! (insert evil laugh here).

  3. Oh these are so lovely S. Did you know purple's my favourite colour tee hee! And I'm not likely to make myself a hexie MR so I'll be more than happy to receive it - thanks!! LOL! Jxo

  4. Oh these are gorgeous! There are going to be so many happy partners in this swap :-)

  5. wow wow wow WOW! I absolutely love what you've created and I am sure your partners will too! They're two lucky girls :)

    Sorry to hear you're still not feeling great. Esp over a weekend :(

  6. gorgeous, Sarah! love the little wristlet pouch :)

  7. Happy to be partner 1 or 2 - these are scrumptious.

  8. I am so in love with the hexi mug rug! I cannot wait to see what you do for partner 2......great job!

  9. I love the wristlet pouch! I'm absolutely going to try one!

  10. Love the mug rug, glad you were able to get back behind the machine again, and hte pouch is cute too!

  11. Oh twinny, I need to get rid of my lurgy once and for all - no good feeling drained!

    If I am not partner 2, I really will cry!

  12. I really love both of those, especially the purple mug rug: keeping my fingers crossed that I could be either of your partners!

  13. All looking so beautiful...and thanks for the link to the tutorial. I was off hexies but you may have brought me back to them!

  14. ooooooo I like your hexie mug rug, the colour combo is lovely!

    Ah how I wish I had joined in this swap!

    Next time for sure!


  15. I can hardly believe it - I was in a sewing 'funk' on Friday so I made a hexie mug rug too! Mine is still a secret because I'm giving it away when I get to 200 posts! Yours is lovely-the colours and the stitching are perfect! I'm sure your partner will love it!

  16. Yes! yes! yes! perfect mug rug, perfect bee block! so glad you've got your Muse again. Love love love that purple hand quilting, and the birds? but you already know how I love birds. is that package meant for me? ;)

  17. Beautiful projects Sarah - love them all!!

  18. Ooo, lots of beautiful goodies! Wow!

  19. I hope that someday I will be so creative. Love all you make.

  20. LOVE the mug rug! The hand-quilting really makes the whole thing! Thanks for using my tute. : )

  21. Nothing wrong with your stitching! Love what you have made and kind of have my fingers crossed that I am partner number two. (Please!)

  22. The hexie mug rug is wonderful - I might need to make some for Christmas gifts! Such a cute pouch, too!

  23. Very cool hexie mug rug. I can't imagine the recipients not LOVING these goodies. :-)

  24. LOVE that mug rug! I loved Lee's block before, but it's even better as a mug rug. :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  25. The mug rug is so cute. I am so very impressed!

  26. Thank you so much for your insipration!

    I made this mug rug for a spring-swap


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