
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Yes, I am officially insane.....

Remember this runner? The one with all the angst about the different dye lots?

The one I asked for your advice on, which you so generously gave. Lots of you! And you all pretty much said the same thing.......leave it as it was.

You know what I actually did?

Table runner rolled up

Yes, you're right. The panels are all the same. I ripped it all back and replaced the fabric with some more from the same dye lot. Mad. I know.


I am so much happier with it now. Despite what everyone said, and knowing that you were all right, and knowing that I would have given the same advice myself, I just. couldn't. love. it. the way it was. Just could not bring myself to do any more work on it. I hated the difference in shades so much it was paralysing me, particularly as it was not consistent throughout the runner, so it just didn't look like it was intentional, and really, there was only one decision to be made then.

That's not to say I didn't appreciate all your advice. Or listen to you, because I actually thought about it a lot. And I normally listen to the sage advice you all give me. But sometimes, you have to do what makes you happy. As Lynne wisely said (thank you Lynne!)

TR full view1

So now, I have a lovely ta-dah moment with my Stepping Stones table runner. I really really am happy with it now. (Can you imagine if I had done all that and then I wasn't?) I know in the photo above, it looks like there is a difference in shade, but that's the way the light is falling. When its down on the table, it looks so much better, I think. And I wanted the focus to be on the charms, and the quilting, which it now is.Here are a few photos from my gloomy grey winter garden this morning. See why I called it Stepping Stones?

TR full view2

This was a very straightforward make, but sometimes they're the best. Let me know if you would like a super quick tute on this one, I'd be happy to write it up. I think it would work great as a Christmas themed runner too. I'm really pleased with how the quilting turned out on this one. I used a light grey Aurifil thread on the front, leaving the charms unquilted so they really pop:

 TR centre hanging

I used a lavender Egyptian cotton thread on the back (sorry, I can't write the brand name as its Greek!). Love how the quilting pops on the back too!

TR back quilting
My first time using both brands of thread and I was very impressed with both, compared to the Gutterman natural cotton which is what I normally use for quilting. Love the stitch definition and how smooth they flowed through my machine. I would say the Egyptian cotton is ever so slightly heavier - very marginally - and will definitely be using again for quilting where I want the quilting to be a feature. I got the Aurifil thread from Janette in River Fabrics, who has recently started stocking them, and the Egyptian cotton from Fi in Threads2000 (Patchwork Delights) and its absolutely great to now have some choice in the thread available to me, and to be able to get those great big spools of cotton, at brilliant prices. I highly recommend checking both of them out!

The grey is Kona Ash - love this fabric so much! I think the charm squares stand out against them - they are all from my charms from Jennifer's Rainbow charm swap.

TR folded on table

The back is wide strips of Kona Orange, Ochre, Berry and Aubergine - all from River Fabrics in Co. Down also - Janette has a brill selection of Kona shades. Very bright for my friend who loves this combination of colours!

Table runner back

The binding is an orange fabric I picked up at the K&S show - not sure what it is!

Table runner binding

All ready now to be washed and sent off in the post to my friend - hope she likes it!!

Quilt Stats:

Name: Stepping Stones Table Runner
Made For: My good friend
Measures: 50" long x 11.5" wide
Fabric: Kona Solids + various charm squares
Batting: Warm and White
Quilting: Straight line by me
Pattern: Simple squares design by me

TR rolled up

I'm linking up this week to {Sew} Modern Monday, Manic Monday and Fabric Tuesday.


  1. LOL That's great--we all know exactly what we can live with...and what we can't! Way to just jump in there, fix it and get it overwith!

  2. It's absolutely beautiful and totally worth the extra/crazy effort (you nutter, you). The quiltling is amazing!

  3. It looks awesome!! And hey, we all need to do what we will feel happiest about, and if ripping it out and re-doing feels better for you, then that's what you do! I would probably do the same thing. ;)

  4. Looks lovely, I really like the heavy quilting on the solid background, it looks fantastic :-)

  5. In the end it is all about what makes you happy with your project and what you can live with. It is very nice.

  6. This is lovely Sarah! Isn't hard to send something off that you're not happy with! Glad you are at peace! Jxo

  7. you crazy lady, bit I would have been tempted to do the same (if I wasnt so lazy!) It looks fab

  8. I don't think you are crazy at all. You should do whatever will make you love it in the end, even if it is more trouble and work. Your finished runner is lovely.

  9. Oh - what a stunning finish! I love this...I must try straight line quilting. Gorgeous!

  10. Go on Sarah - ask our advice and then ignore it!! LOL. Lovely lovely runner and your binding is unbelievably perfect!

  11. It turned out wonderful! I'm so glad you like it now. Well done!!

  12. This is so beautiful Sarah and you aren't crazy to rip it all out - as long as you are happy with it in the end:) This design would have been great for the Christmas Table runner swap!

  13. Why be normal(whatever that is)? You just have to be you ;) Bet your friend does a happy dance when she receives it!

  14. love your runner - your friend should love it too.

  15. In the end you have to do what feels right to you. It is absolutely beautiful. Love everything about it!

  16. I think it's lovely! Now you're happy with it and really, that just has to be otherwise you would have regrets. I've learnt that lesson the hard way so I'm truly glad I was able to help you.

  17. I am glad you went with your gut! Only YOU know what is right for you! It looks fabulous and I hope your partner appreciates all the time and effort you put into it! Love it!

  18. I'm so pleased you are happy with it now that you changed the fabric. It is best to go with your gut feeling. I'm sure your partner will love it, and really appreciate the effort.

  19. This is gorgeous Sarah. You were right to rip it out. The quilting sinks seamlessly into the background and the squares really pop just as you wanted. You should be very proud :o)

  20. Lynne was absolutely right - if it was going to drive you bonkers, you needed to take it out. I think it turned out just lovely!

  21. Wow Sarah that runner looks fabtastic!!!

    Glad you had a great use for the lavender thread, expecting another shipment in the next couple of weeks.

    Great work!

  22. you know the person its for better than us and if it would have bothered her like it bothered you then this was the best decision and worth the aggravation - either way, its beautiful! job well done!

  23. Wow, that is gorgeous. Love the quilting, really pushes it over the top.

  24. Great finish, Sarah! As always. :) I love your quilting! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  25. Love the runner and think that you are way more dedicated than me fixing it. I am far too lazy and would probably try to pretend that I had never noticed. ;-)

  26. Oh I don't think any of us ever actually thought you were sane... ;o) Glad you're happy with it now anyway :o)

  27. So happy that you are happy, and it looks beautiful!

  28. looks wonderful, and I would probably have done the same as you did! Love your simple quilting

  29. Well, it looks totally gorgeous, love that the prints really do pop! Good call Miss Sarah x

  30. It looks gorgeous! And I'm actually with you on ripping it out (not because it looked so bad in the first place at all) but because for me, I know if I make something with a flaw in it that even kind of bothers me, there is a good chance it will always stick out for me whenever I look at it (even if no one else sees it). I think sometimes its better to just rip it out and rework it than it is to invest more time into something you're not 100% in love with.

  31. good for you for making a decision you're happy with! It looks great! Is that the angle of the photo that makes it look like a looong runner or do you really have a big table?

  32. This runner looks fantastic...if you are not happy with something it will always stick out and so you have to make it as you want it. Well done for taking the time.

  33. It's beautiful, I love the quilting and the design!

  34. It's beautiful, and it's important that in the end you did what made you happy :)
    Although I liked very much how it looked with different shades of grey (I like a bit of accidental in a quilt) I love it now, too.

  35. I would have done the same thing.... Redo to get it right, to listen to that inner voice.... Worth it in the end....

  36. I absolutely love your table runner, and I would love it if you would share a tutorial withnus. You did a terrific job on this.
    And, I would have ripped and re-sewed too. I understand completely.


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