
Sunday, January 8, 2012

January Bee Blocks

 January block 2

This month in Sew Bee Blissful, Christine gave us a lovely block to work on - this garden fence block.

As yesterday's post was so long, this is going to be very short.

January block 1

Aren't they gorgeous? I loved working on them and ADORE her fabric choices. These are going to make an amazing quilt.

Next month I am Queen Bee - I'm still freaking out about my block choice because there are just too many gorgeous blocks out there I want to make quilts from - if you have any recommendations, please send them my way!!


  1. Your blocks look great, Sarah! I really love that chair print. Good luck choosing your block, too. I am already dreading that decision and I have many months to go!

  2. oh these are beautiful - this is on my list to do as i love the block too - loving the grey, yellow and white - very classy

  3. Oooh, love those colours and fabrics! Good luck with your search for the perfect block, I've got a while to worry about mine :oD

  4. I really love Disappearing Four Patch - so simple but so sophisticated (in the right fabrics).

  5. I'm really falling for the fabric selection for these blocks! Lovely :-)

  6. Yup, yellow and grey is a pretty amazing colour combination and that pattern is always fun. I too have to be a queen bee next month, and am having the same problem!

  7. I feel for you Sarah I'm not Queen Bee until April and I'm already freaking out - so many blocks to choose from, it's a mine-field it really is. Look forward to receiving your blocks though come february.

  8. I do love that block and the colors are gorgeous.

  9. Awesome blocks - as for yours, depends how hard to want work your girls!

  10. flowering snowball! that is what i would choose.

  11. Gorgeous! I've been impressed with the Modern Blocks book - great choice of designs and instructions. Jxo

  12. I love the second one, great job!

  13. This grey and yellow block is going to make a wonderful quilt!

  14. Eeekkk! How exciting! What will you ask for? What will you ask for? I can't wait to see!

  15. Great blocks Sarah! love yellow and grey together, that quilt will be awesome! I'm thinking of the same thing, my month is March for do.Good Stitches, and I'm frantically searching for a quilt design idea!

  16. Fab blocks. i am loving the grey and yellow combo:)


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