
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Scrapy Pack Giveaway Winners

Wow, what a brilliant response to the launch of {Sew} Get Started! I am flattered and delighted in equal measure and hope everyone enjoys!

I did the draw this morning for the scrap pack winners and they are:

 Who is Millie: 

The second winner is:

who is Paskiaq:


Congratulations to both of you, I will be in touch with you via email to get your addresses. The third winner over on the Facebook competition was Emma Corcoran. I will get those packs in the post before the end of the week so you have them for next Thursday's tutorial!

Thanks for entering everyone, and pop back tomorrow for the 1st tutorial on Sewing Basics!


I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.