
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Some little handmade gifts

Over the long weekend, I made up some little gifts for a couple of people, all ready to give to them this week.

First up was this cute little mug rug. I like how the wedge shape reminds me of wedges of cake! It's a pretty little one and simply quilted. This is for my mother-in-law who is visiting today, as part of her Mother's Day present. I will have a tute for how to make this as part of the {Sew} Get Started series, next Monday. It will be a nice, easy, fun introduction to quilting!

Then, on Sunday when I was browsing through my reader on my phone (while enjoying my breakfast in bed!), I spotted a fabulous string pieced cushion/pillow on Samelia's Mum's blog. She made it all with solids, I thought it was just perfect! And I instantly wanted to make one, particularly as Anorina did a great tute for it too.

So, later that day when I was out shopping, I spied this cheap and horrible faux silk cushion in Tesco, reduced in the clearance to €2.50 and couldn't pass it up as a bargain.

I came home and dragged out my fabrics, including some of the large DS scraps Elaine sent me, and some Hope Valley that I got early in the new year, and I made this up as a scrappy cushion and replaced that horrible cover with this one. Hey presto, something lovely out of something awful! It's a little outside my normal colour range, but was made to match a particular colour scheme for the person its going to.

String cushion front

I quilted it 1/4" in from each of the seams, and love how it looks, and the way your eye is drawn to something new every time you look at it.

String cushion quilting closeup

I intended to put a zipped back on it but didn't have a long enough zipper, so I made a simple envelope one instead.

String cushion the back

This will be gifted later on in the week and I hope the recipient likes it!


  1. gorgeous makes! Love the wedge shapes in the pretty mug rug and the cushion is gorgeous! I agree the quilting looks brilliant :)

  2. I too like the idea of wedges of cake! :)

  3. love the little gifts. i never have the foresight to see an inexpensive pillow as a potential pillow form-- must start thinking that way!

  4. Love the mug rug....makes me wan't some cake now!
    The cushion is gorgeous!!! Love the colours!!! =D

  5. I'm sure the recipients were thrilled with their beautifully crafted gifts! Who wouldn't be?

  6. I love strings! So the cushion is FAB in my book..

    and the mug rug is cute too!

  7. What wonderful makes! Aren't your friends (and MIL) going to love you? xx

  8. Gorgeous makes Sarah - you`re such a clever thing!

  9. Love the mug rug - the wedge shape reminds me of cake slices too:) And the pillow is gorgeous - will have to try this pattern with some scrap strips I have here!

  10. Well rescued for that cushion there!


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