
Friday, March 23, 2012

Tips for Accurate Sewing

Want to improve your sewing accuracy? Get those points meeting up precisely? Get a nice straight line on your zipper?

Pop over to my guest post on The Sewing Directory where I can be found today talking about my top tips for accurate sewing!


  1. Thanks for the great reminders. Some of us who have been quilting or sewing for a while often forget to take care with these steps.

  2. Love your tweezer tip!
    And, repinning the zipper after opening. I never did that.
    Thank you (o:

  3. I use my tweezer a lot but never thought to use them at the end of the seam! Great Idea, thanks

  4. I can vouch for your accurate sewing pin tip as my points have never been better since you taught me to pin to death and sew right over them. There have been pin casualties but worth it.

  5. I tried sewing over my pins and broke my needle first time :O( was it just bad luck?!

  6. Great tips! I always sew over my pins and have yet to break a needled in all the years I have been sewing, but I am careful to slow down as I go over them.

  7. Great tips!! I really like the one about lining up the seams!I sew over pins often. The trick is to GO SLOW! Also, I like the one about the steam/dry iron debate. For me, I prefer a dry iron + starch.


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