
Monday, April 8, 2013

Finish A Long Quarter 2 plans

Now that I have rejoined the quilting and blogging universe, its time to get myself organised and finish the raft of projects I left littered in my wake last year. Luckily, Leanne's Finish-A-Long for Quarter 2 is coming along at just the right time so I'm linking up over there and hoping to have some nice completed projects to show you at the end of June.

she can quilt

So  here's my list! Even writing it is making feel excited to get started.

1. First up, my little boy's bright circles quilt. The quilt top was made last summer, but I ran into basting problems and did not have the energy to fix them with a big pregnant belly. Now rebasted and about a third of the way through quilting, this is my top priority project for the next few weeks.

2. A tumbler quilt using Kona solids and a pop of print for Cindy I'm ready to start this very soon, and looking forward to tackling another tumbler quilt as I loved the last one I made.

3. Baste, quilt and bind my Ruby quilt top.

4. Make another peasant dress for baby R in these lovely fabrics, seeing as the first one I made her fit her for all of 2 days!

5. I started (and had a complete craft fail with the quilting on) some placemats for my brother's new place last  year. I took them out and looked at them again this week to see if I can rescue them but one is beyond repair. So although this looks like a new project, really its a replacement finish that I need to do. I have a plan in my head (heavily inspired by Leanne's triangles mini quilt) to make some triangular placemats (using equilateral triangles) using these lovely mustard and grey fabrics, mostly from my Echo bundle:

6. I'm hesitant to add this to the list, but if things were to go very, very well, then I would just love to get my Mod Mosaic blocks from my friends in the Modern Irish Bee pieced into a quilt top and back, and the quilt finished. That's an ambitious one but I'll put it in here anyway, a bit of motivation is good for the soul!

So that's my list. Lots of good stuff on there and I really hope I can get them all done. I'm trying not to be too overambitious, but we'll see :-) Don't forget to head over to Leanne and see what everyone else is planning!


  1. Great list Sarah - I love the idea of triangular placemats, look forward to seeing them come together :o)

  2. Loads of lovely wips there Sarah, you'll have a gorgeous quarter!

  3. very exciting!! I really love the circles and that will be such a special quilt for your boy!

  4. Get that Echo going! So want to see that and all these other great projects done!

  5. You have lots of lovely projects. Di x

  6. Oh I think you are sufficiently wound up and ready to go and will whizz through those!

  7. Good luck! Love the placemat fabric :o)

  8. Great list Sarah, if you get half of those finished you will be doing well. I'm kinda afraid of writing down all I need to achieve!

  9. lots of great projects to finish here. Good luck

  10. This looks brilliant. I especially love your wee boys quilt.

  11. Lots of good stuff on your list, Sarah! Isn't it crazy how quickly our sweet babies grow out of their clothes? Can't wait to see some of your finishes!

  12. I love the bright circles quilt, very nice. Can't wait to see it finished.

  13. so many great ideas. I love the circles quilt especially!

  14. What lovely projects! I'm particularly taken by the circles quilt and can't wait to see how you quilt it!


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