
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stitching the Made to Measure

The last few evenings have been spent very pleasantly on the sofa stitching up a storm.

I table basted this massive quilt top on Saturday and am glad to have that part behind me. I have a few weeks of hand quilting to look forward to now - I love having a big project to work on in bits and pieces. This is the first proper big quilt that I will have entirely hand quilted - usually I do a little bit of machine stitching in the ditch to secure the layers. But I could not face wrestling it through the machine, and I'm interested to see how it turns out done entirely by hand.

It is slow, but very enjoyable.

I outlined all the seams in the central star block with pink perle cotton. I didn't mark any quilt lines at this stage, but may need to for some of the other borders...will wait and decide when I get to that point.  Need to pick another thread now for the next border.

On the home front, only more day at work and I'm off for a whole 11 days....cannot wait!!


  1. Very Nice. That is going to be gourgeous when you finish.

  2. It's so pretty! I love it! Is this a pattern? I would love to make one myself:)

  3. Have a wonderful Easter break S! Hope you get lots of lovely sewing time. Jxo

  4. Gorgeous! Enjoy your time off!

  5. It's looking fabulous. Your stitches are just perfect!

  6. It's looking fabulous. Your stitches are just perfect!

  7. Your hand quilting is so neat. My first attempts look terrible!

  8. this is going to be so lovely. I really want to try hand quilting but I'm always too impatient!
    Enjoy your Easter break.

  9. Your quilt is so beautiful and the quilting just enhances it. You know me and my love of perle, you can't go wrong!

  10. That sounds so relaxing to slow down and hand quilt a large quilt. It's going to be lovely when you're done!

  11. Oh, Sarah, it's a stunner. Perfect for hand quilting.

  12. It is going to be so beautiful. Your hand stitching is gorgeous.

  13. Beautiful, really love it
    Karen x

  14. ooh, what a stunning quilt. And all that hand quilting is making it even more amazing.

  15. I just love your hand stitching projects :)


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