
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hello..from the other side {breaking the silence}

It's been a year! Can you believe that? A whole year since I have blogged. I'm not sure anyone is even reading any more. And it certainly doesn't seem like a year. Time has flown by in the blink of an eye.

So, what have I been doing? Well, most of it is pretty much what you'd expect - working, looking after my 3 (not-so) smallies, trying to keep on top of exercising regularly, cleaning the house, cooking dinners - all the usual mum stuff.  There's been lots and lots of homework and music practice (them)......and a little bit of reading (me)...

Seriously, I don't know why I had the deluded notion that as the kids got older, I would get more time back to myself. The exact opposite is true. The older they get, the more homework they get, the more activities they are involved in, the more money they need and the more time commitment is required.  Time and money....quilting is an expensive hobby in both of these terms and sadly, I never appear to have enough of either to spare on quilting these days.

It's been a really busy year though - there's been lots of redecorating and essential upgrading in our house after 10 years of living here, a First Comunion and a couple of 40th birthdays (sob sob).


Lots of my friends turned 40 too - there were handmade gifts.


 I had my first quilt exhibition with the Modern Irish Quilters...which was really unbelievably fabulous and quite emotional.


I finally finished some long over due projects....some Christmas carol singers....


And decorating Miss R's room with long planned hoops....


And Miss E's cheerio quilt (yes, I did back it and quilt it - with dimple minky - but I forgot to take a photo).


I also finally made up this pattern I wrote which had been turning over and over in my head for about 18 months. (just need to finish quilting it)


I made some tablet for an iPad....


 and one for a Lumia tablet

Finally, I became an auntie to twins about 6 weeks ago. Such an exciting time for my brother and his wife.

Of course, it was the best excuse ever to make some cute baby gifts. Scrappy diamonds for my nephew, little baby C....

And scrappy circles for my niece, little baby A.....


I still haven't met my nephew and niece - they arrived quite early, and we have had to cancel 2 visits due to my kids and myself being sick but I have everything crossed for next week. The extra time allowed for some more crafting...little handknit cardis.

Anyway...its been nice catching up....hopefully as nice for you as for me. I'll try not to leave it as long next time!


  1. I'm still reading! What a beautiful year of projects. Love that Cheerio quilt and the scrappy diamonds and circles! I'm so with you on the "we don't get more time to ourselves just because they're growing up" thing. Life is good, but always so, so busy. Hugs!

  2. Welcome back! Your projects are wonderful!

  3. That's quite a lot achieved I think. The baby quilts and knitting will be appreciated. Enjoy your first visit.

  4. So nice to read your new update, I totally understand the situation as kids get older life definitely gets busier so hard to find the time to do everything.

  5. I'm still reading! *g* Lovely makes as always. I have a 13 year old now and you do get time back eventually - I'm just a taxi service these days! At least I can drop her and come home (to sew!!) these days.

  6. So good to hear from you! Totally understand your situation, but hope you can find time to write! Happy Belated Birthday!

  7. Wow has it really been a year? So many lovely makes to catch up with. And yes still here reading

  8. A full year? :) Yes, I believe it! (the getting busier as they get older) :D You actually got a LOT of projects finished this year. Impressive. :) And nice to see you!

  9. welcome back! all of your projects are lovely. I've been in that busy phase of life. Now suddenly all of my children are grown and gone. It happens in a blink...

  10. I am a 70 y/o addicted to bloglovin - don't do instagram or any of the other platforms so yes, I am still reading. It is good that you are taking the time to enjoy and be with your family as they grow - that is what memories are made of. I raised three children while working full time and my time for crafts was always late at night - it was the only time I had to myself. I am now widowed and my children all have lives of their own so now I have more time than needed for crafting - it all goes around in circles. Twins are so special but I must say that triplets are best - my grandchildren turned 4 this past July and they are the light of my life. They are 3000 miles away so I don't spend a lot of time with them - but with today's new technology we can keep in touch. Please check in more often - enjoy reading of your projects and such.

  11. I smiled when I saw your post in my feed and jumped here straightaway to read the update - great to see the carolers finished and loved the Happinesss exhibition too!

  12. You have made some wonderful things this year. I especially love the scrappy circles quilt and pouch too. x

  13. I'm still here too! Lovely to see all you've achieved in your absence! I love the twin quilts- congratulations on your new niece and nephew!

  14. I am here, and there and all over the place right now too - usually somewhere involving the kids, and blogging and sewing really feel the brunt of my lack of time too :(

    Lots of lovely makes there, and chuckling at the fun and games your brother and sil have coming their way ;)

  15. Yep, we're still here, and very happy to read and follow whenever you have the time time to share your beautiful work. It's been a great crafting year for you, I've loved seeing all your finishes. So true that as kids get older, they absorb more time. My daughter is 23 and seems to absorb even more of my time than when she was 5! 😀

  16. Welcome back to Blog Land! You've made loads of fabulous things while you've been away. Keep up the quilty progress (even when the kids make it challenging to find the time!!)

  17. It's amazing how quickly the days go. There never seems to be enough time with all that NEEDS to be done. It does look like you've had some fun sewing. The little ones will love their quilts.

  18. I'm still reading and it's lovely to catch up on what you've been doing. I love the twin quilts, the hoops and everything else, you've been very productive. Doing all this there was probably no time to blog!

  19. Call me an optimist but I started following you while you were AWOL in the hope you'd be back one day. So glad I did. Lovely post chock full of colour and inspiration. Those baby quilts are especially gorgeous. Congrats on the

  20. Love a year long summary. Considering it myself now. Good to see you back though. x

  21. Hi Sarah, it's so nice to hear from you! You had a busy year but sounds like a fun! As far as everybody happy, you will be sewing:)

  22. I'm still reading! Looks like you have had a busy year even though you have not blogged it all. Good to know that all is well and you have been a bit creative still. Happy belated birthday to you. Glad you stopped in for a post.

  23. Welcome back! We are still here :) You have accomplished a lot this year! and I too feel into the 40 Club this year. Kind of sucks, but is a little wonderful at the same time ;)

  24. You may have been gone but you were not forgotten! I love your first quilt in the post with the circular quilting. Is that your pattern?

  25. I hope you'll keep blogging. I really enjoy your creations and choice of color. All the best to you and your family.

  26. I'm still reading too! Welcome back! It's good to hear from you and thanks for showing your beautiful work. You've been really busy :-)

  27. I'm still reading and have been enjoying your posts on FB too. :) I'm noticing the same thing as my kids get bigger too. I think I'm going to have to jump on the handsewing bandwagon so I can have projects to take with me to my kids activities! Love all the projects you've done. And congrats on becoming an auntie, so exciting!


I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.