
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Funky boys' bunting: the finished item!

The bunting is finished, hooray! I'm glad I left it till tonight to do, as soon as I looked at it with fresh eyes I realised it needed another solid, dark coloured triangle to balance it and the spacing was a little too wide. I was able to remedy that pretty quickly and a little careful sewing later, it was done. I love the combination of colours and patterns so much I'm tempted to do one for D's room; he would love the Wheels fabric and the hedgehogs too. So here's hoping the recipient loves it as much as I do!
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  1. Bunting is fabulous!! Just gave it to is beautifully made and the fabric is gorgeous and really funky for a little boy..a great gift x

  2. Sarah, the recipient loves it even more than you do! Evan says a huge THANK YOU, it's just gorgeous, so special. We'll be spreading the word, well done and thank you so much, M.

  3. Thanks so much for the lovely comments, I'm thrilled you like it!

  4. I am new to your blog....Actually your give away is what caught my eye. I LOVE your stuff!! Thank you so much for sharing! :)


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