
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Me Time!

So last night I decided it was high time I made something nice for myself. I've been making for my kids, gifts for other kids, and stuff for the house for the last couple of months - definitely time for a little quality project for me :-) I cut the fabric for a bag a couple of weeks ago and decided to get it out and sew it up. I've had my eye on it for a long time - the stripey fabric is Cath Kidston which I got reduced in the outlet shop in Kildare Village and I thought it would be perfect for a bag the minute I saw it, its so fresh and colourful and I love the stripes. I picked up some baby pink bubbble cotton on Ebay for the lining and think they work well together. I'm using a pattern from Lotta Jansdotter's book "Simple Sewing" and its not hard, but there is a little bit of work in it. Particularly since I decided at the last minute that the fabric wasn't heavy enough and I needed some interfacing. Luckily I had a heavy sew-in type in my box. I did the outside and the pockets last night, and the lining this morning in my pjs when the kids were running around playing. So here it is, almost finished.  I just need to do the handles and join the lining to the outside and then I will be done apart from the pressing. I just adore bags so its great to make a few (and saves in my pocket too). Fingers crossed I will find another few minutes later on to finish it off.
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1 comment:

  1. It's definitely time you made something for yourself - you deserve it!


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