
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday

I decided to take part in the weekly work in progress report over on Freshly Pieced as I thought it would be a good way for me to keep track of everything. At the moment, everything seems very close to running away from me altogether, I'm so busy with all sorts of stuff. Not least how to do a birthday party next week for a little girl who does NOT want to be three and definitely doesn't want to blow out any candles....but who will turn around on the day and throw the mother and father of all tantrums if there is no party. Yay for irrational almost-threenagers. ;-)

So here goes:

Completed this week:

"Sophie's Dreams" quilt which I am super proud of and totally love :-)

Super fabric & general supplies top up!

It's been a pretty good week here, productivity wise! I'm really pleased with all that.

Work in Progress:

My "PictureBox" quilt is now basted and ready for quilting. Should have this finished by the weekend, hooray!

Stuff I'll be starting (and finishing) in next week or so:

My pincushion for my Flickr Scrappy Pincushion swap - lots of ideas, just need to nail one down. This is a fun one, am looking forward to it :-)

Stuff I wish I had more progress on but seem to be on hold:

My curtains - my beautiful duck egg and champagne curtains for my own room - are STILL sitting half done in my sewing basket. Must get done by month end.

Handbags for 2 of my friends - girls, I will get them done in the next few weeks I promise!

Grand Plans!

Kate Conklin's Charm Bracelet quilt for my own room using a Kate Spain "Fandango" charm pack.

A quilt - still thinking about what - with my Origins layer cake

A baby quilt design for which I have a clear picture in my head but need to figure out how to make it a reality!

So that's me - any wonder things are running away from me??!!!! That's not including the full time day job or the husband and 2 kids to look after..... but what do you do when you have a (crafting) addiction? Just go with the flow I say! I'd love to hear what you're working on this week if you have a few minutes to leave a comment .... just so I know I'm not the only insane person out there!


  1. Hello! I love your colourful quilts and 'the Picture Box' is really wonderful! Sunny wishes!

  2. Wow you are busy!
    I love Sophies Dream quilt - so pretty!
    I have made Kate Conklins Charm Bracelet quilt with a Origins pack! (thought I would mention that since they are both in your post!)

  3. Very beautiful quilts, I love your use of color. I adore Kate's patterns and look forward to seeing how your charm bracelet quilt comes together!

  4. WOW!!! you have been busy...and they all look great...

  5. You make me feel so much more normal! I was showing my MIL my in progress items.. and as we were talking I referenced.. and for the next one. She looked at me like.. you already have 5-6 things going and you are already thinking about the next thing? It's really nice to know I'm not alone in it!

    And I'm not sure what my favorites are ... you have so many goodies going!! I decided I am going to have to follow along to see what happens!!

  6. That's Sophie quilt is fantastic! I love the quilting you did on it :)

  7. Oh I love that picture box quilt, what a cool idea! Did that come from a pattern or did you make it up? Must store that idea for larger scale print or an upcomming baby quilt!

  8. Happy WIP Wednesday! Your picture box quilt design is so cool! Great work!

  9. Love the picture box quilt, the fabrics look great!

  10. yes, the picture box is an eye catcher! Nice job on all the projects.

  11. Love the boy quilt, great way to feature charming prints!

  12. Whew, that's quite a list! I love love LOVE your Sophie's Dreams quilt, so pretty and the quilting is fabulous. And so many other great projects here too.

    Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday, have a wonderful week! : )


I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.