
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Awards!

I was really thrilled to be tagged twice this week by two extremely talented ladies, Sheila of Bluepatch Quilter and Noga of Noga Quilts for the Liebster Blog Award

Thanks so much ladies! To accept the award I am to do the following:

1) If you are tagged, and you want to accept, then create a post on your blog and add the leibster blog pic.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept.
3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

The aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light
, (less than 50 Followers is ideal), therefore, please don't tag somebody with 3000 followers!

So, here goes - some great, maybe not so well known blogs that are really worth checking out:

1.     Patchwork Delights: I love Fiona's style, she comes up with fab ideas, sews beautifully (I love her little mug rugs!) and even though I've never met her, I feel like I know her, we've had lots of crafty link ups and chats through our blogs and she's been so generous in sharing information and advice!

2.     Lisnaweary Quilts:  Gorgeous quilts, tutorials - most recently on Moda Bake Shop with her fab quilt -  and a lovely interesting blog about quilting and life in general which I really enjoy reading :-)

3.    The Mom Blogs: My friend Lory, a published author and feature writer, blogs about the fun and challenges of being a mom of 2 small boys in rural Ireland. I have lots of "me too" moments when I'm reading her posts and sometimes I even feature in them!

4.   Sticks and Bubbles: I found Diana's blog through her comments on some of my posts and I love reading it - her voice is so distinct, her projects are stunning and she makes me laugh :-)

So, go check them out! You won't  regret it!

1 comment:

I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.