
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

WIP Wednesday # 4

I can't believe another week has gone by! Seems like no time since I was writing my WIP post last week!

All things considered, this was a difficult week. I struggled a bit with trying to get things done due to work (see my post earlier this week) but managed to pick up a little in the last few days, much to my relief.

So here goes:


Owl baby snuggle blanket for a customer order. I absolutely love this fabric and think it works great as a blanket!

Scrappy mug rug; this was a fun little project I ran up in the space of an hour to make myself feel a little better and give me some instant gratification. I've since brought it in to work where it gives me a smile every time I make a cup of coffee (which is a lot!)

Work in Progress:

Yay! This week I finally moved 2 of my projects which had been stalled for a LONG time to my "in progress" list. This is a pretty major achievement, they were in danger of falling into permanent UFO territory. Drum roll please........ I actually interfaced my Cosmo bag pieces.

Seriously. I can't quite believe it myself! I had been dreading it, but tonight, after listening to the kids tearing around upstairs for over an hour instead of sleeping quietly in their bed and driving me mad coming up and down the stairs, I wasn't in very good form, and then my iron ruined the minky on the blanket I was working on. At that stage I really wasn't in the mood for sewing but wanted to get something done and I turned up my iPod very loud and got out the pieces and stood there working off my bad mood with the iron. (I ruined my ironing board cover with interfacing all over it, but that suits me fine, I'm just looking for an excuse to replace it). After that I was on a roll, so I got out my stalled bedroom curtains and made good progress basting my hems - not done yet but I am thrilled to have gotten it moving.

I also made some great progress in new designs for my baby blankets, and started a design for a quilt for my goddaughter when I was supervising the kids arty crafty activities at the weekend.

I was making good progress with the blanket orders but am stalled now after the iron incident this evening. Hopefully the order I placed last week for more minky will arrive tomorrow so that I can get them finished.

Finally, I'm almost finished writing up the tute for my PictureBox quilt, just a few more details to sort and then it will be ready to go. I'm hoping to have it up by Thursday evening, all going well.

Other lovely stuff:

I got my goodies in the post from the Scrappy Pincushion Swap I was participating in on Flickr and was totally thrilled with them!

I also signed up for the SewSara Scrap Swap which I'm looking forward to!


I have some taggies hanging around waiting for names to be hand embroidered on them - must move those along.

Otherwise, what started out a dificult week turned out pretty well! Can't wait to see what you're all up to too.

I'll be linking this up with WIP Wednesday and some other great blogs ---->>

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. All looks good Sarah. Love the finished quilt the footprints are soo cute!

  2. You're too funny - that's exactly how I wound up replacing my ironing board cover, and I was totally intending to do it too! I can't wait to see your finished Cosmo bag, I like your fabric choices a lot :)

  3. Love that minky blanket - it looks so comfy! Where do you get your minky from, i'm looking to back a baby quilt with it myself.
    How do you mess up your ironing board with interfacing? Love to know so I don't do it myself. I have an Amy Butler bag on my WIP list and I'm scared of the amount of interfacing it needs.

  4. everything looks great...I have been there with the running around instead of sleeping; mind me it was years ago...but still fresh in my

  5. The footprints on that owl quilt are just adorable!

    I'm glad you got the interfacing on the Cosmo Bag! It really really is a bear to do all that ironing.

  6. yeah for getting through those project stalls! I can totally relate to that! All your WIP are looking good, and have fun with your tut, I really like the picture quilt!

  7. I really appreciate you working on a tutorial for the Picture Box quilt! I love it and would love to make one!

    Good for you making such progress on your WIPS!

  8. The owl snuggle blanket is so cute! And good job on picking up some long-stalled projects, that's always a good feeling.

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week!

  9. Are the footprints on the blanket actual tracings of the baby's or just a template?

  10. Your owl baby quilt is adorable!

  11. I LOVE your blanket! I really love the fabric - where'd you get it???
    Visiting you from Fireflies and Jellybeans :)

  12. Hi Sarah! I've been enjoying your blog and wanted you to know that I nominated
    you for a Stylish Blogger Award! Check out my blog to accept the award. Keep up
    the great work. :)
    All This for Them
    Mary Jo

  13. It feels so good to snatch a project from the jaws of the UFO, doesn't it? I do love those owls on the baby blanket, too.

    Happy WIP Wednesday (a touch late).


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