
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Missing in Action

It's been more than a week since I last posted.....can't quite believe that! I've definitely been missing in action this week. Not only have I not posted, but I've barely been online, have only been able to read a small number of blog posts and have done only a small amount of sewing. And I'm afraid that, for the next few weeks, that's probably going to continue although I hope not to the same extent - I should, at least, be able to read my favourite blogs! This time of year is pretty much my busiest of the whole year in work, and it doesn't ease off until mid to late July. That means increased hours, increased stress and - definitely - increased tiredness. Plus, with the long evenings, I want to be able to spend time out in the garden with the kids, and they're definitely going to bed much later these days, which means my evening sewing time is much reduced. So I hope you'll understand if I'm not around as much as usual and bear with me - I have no doubt I'll be back to my usual self by the end of the summer. So please - don't go anywhere, I'm here, I'm just a little quieter than usual!!

What I was doing this week, in between planning & hosting my little man's 5th birthday party this weekend, was catching up on some customer orders which I have outstanding. One was a sweet baby buggy blanket, and this little tag comforter:

The other fun project I finished was some pillow cases/cushion covers for Anna. These are to coordinate with
the quilts I made her earlier in the year. They measure 50cm x 50cm and I'm pretty happy with them. I found it a little funny working in metric, having gotten really used to working in inches, but I soon figured it out!

There are two to match the PictureBox quilt:

and two more to match the Sophie's Dreams quilt:

After making these and the Pinwheels pillow for my daughter E I'm suddenly addicted to cushions (or pillows as my non-Irish friends call them) and when I was ordering the fabric for Jennifer's Rainbow Charm swap I ordered a small amount of Bliss yardage to make some fresh cushions for my sofa to match my Bliss charm quilt. Can't wait for that to arrive!

Rainbow Charm Swap

I'm really excited about this swap. My colour is blue and over the weekend I was guilty of totally overthinking it - getting freaked out about shades of colour and how badly colours appear on screen - so, unable to tell if a particular fabric was blue or teal or aqua or navy.....and, obviously, it all assumed a significance beyond a few fabric charms in my little brain :-) After all the angst, today I decided to pop into the city and visit the only store that carries designer fabric here in Cork (and that's confined to a limited selection of Amy Butler prints and a small range of Tanya Whelan - both double the price I can buy it for online, of course!) in order to properly see the colour values. But the city marathon was on today (its a public holiday here) and of course, it was closed when I got there. Sigh. So I ordered two different blue fabrics online today and can't wait to get them to see which I'm going to use! One I have already and love but the print is a tiny bit bigger than I wanted. The other I thought looked about perfect for what I was searching for but I need to see what the colour is like. (See what I mean, TOTALLY overthinking it!!!!)

Ok, so that's been my week. I hope you stick around, and don't mind too much if I slow down a little over the summer - I promise I'll do my best to keep in touch!

I'm linking this to Fabric Tuesday, Sew Cute Tuesday and some other great blogs... Check out my links on the sidebar!!


  1. You are so funny- I can't wait to see your perfect blue fabric! :) Thanks for the shout out! :)

  2. Love that tag comforter, the fussy cut bits are great! and I love the pillow cases too, they are adorable. Don't worry about overthinking it. I do the same thing too. And blue is hard. I think there are more shades of blue than any other color! at least in quilt fabric. You'll pick something great!

  3. We call them cushions in Australia too - even if they are used to decorate beds!

    I love all that owl fabric - so cute!

    Happy 5th birthday to your little man.

  4. How fun. You are keeeping yourself super busy!

  5. Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on! I love the owl fabric. All your stuff looks so great!!

  6. Get some rest Sarah! And the pillows are all really cute! Can't wait to see a Bliss pillow too. :)

  7. Glad to hear from you :) Happy 5th birthday to your little guy! You sure do sound busy, no worries, we'll all still be around. Love the pillows, btw! :)

  8. What a super cute taggy toy and great pillowcases. Love the owls especially!

  9. Love that tag comforter - the shapes appliqued on the front are so cute!
    The best thing about blogging is that you can do as much or as little as you'd like - and we'll still be "here"!

  10. If that 'blue' is not perfect, I will demand a refund!!!

  11. Those would be so easy peasey and FUN to create!! Thank you for showing them off!! Love them.

  12. Love the fabrics there Sarah and the pillows! Gonna miss you posts! Fi

  13. Your pillow/cushion cases are ADORABLE! I love the fabrics you choose time and time again. Best of luck at work - remember that sewing is a great way to relax when it gets to be too much :)


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