
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to make something just for me!

Lately it feels like everything I've made has been leaving my house as quickly as I make it. This is probably a good thing, as otherwise I would have even more "stuff" than I have already - which is far more than I need. But sometimes I feel a little sad that some of the beautiful things I make don't stay here with my family. (That is my New Year's resolution, I know it already!!)

So tonight, despite the fact that I really *should* be working on a quilt, or, even more importantly, an angel costume for E for the weekend, I decided to take a break from that and make something for me. Yay!

A couple of weeks ago, I pinned this lovely little pouch on Pinterest. I was thinking about it for a pressie for my hubbie and he seemed pretty keen although he did insist it would have to be in plain old navy fabric. BORING!

                                                                              Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Pretty, isn't it? Plus practical.I use headphones quite a bit with my iPhone and they are always loose in my bag, driving me nuts to find. (Hubbie loses his at least once a week which is why he is getting one of these!)

So, tonight, I decided to make some for myself. The tute is great - pity I didn't follow it exactly!! I managed to commit the cardinal sin of pouch making - leaving my zip closed and spent quite a lot of time ripping back my stitching. I also wasn't careful enough in stitching my circle so its not a perfect circle. But, it's for me, so who cares, right?

I used Tilda fabric both outside and inside and all in all, I love it!

No more searching for headphones :-) Now to make a plain one for Himself. Oh - and I might just need to make another for me using this gorgeous Circa 1934 Garbo fabric I got in the post last week from River Fabrics. Just need to buy a matching zipper.

                                                                                          (Image from River Fabrics)


  1. Yay for self-indulgence!!
    Looks lovely twinnie xxx

  2. LOL, all over the blogosphere this week I'm reading about people breaking away from their lists to make just one thing :oD And hey, I hold my hand up, I'm doing it too lol I also have that tutorial pinned, hmm, maybe I need to work that in too...

  3. Love the pouch and can see that they would make great stocking fillers. Looks close enough to a circle to me - we are always more critical of our own work than others :)

  4. So happy you made a little lovely something for YOU! You deserve it. :)

  5. It's interesting that in the midst of all the frantic gift making, you are the third blogger I've read in the last hour that made something for herself!

  6. So cute! I think I'm going to make one too. I have a teeny iPod shuffle, and I'm thinking probably it and the headphones would fit in that pouch. Thanks for the idea!

  7. Hey, I have a tip for those times when I am feeling just as you are...more "made" things leaving than staying. Or in my case more deadlines to be met than leisurely sewing. I always have a "me" project sitting out and when I "need" that fix I work on it, if only for a minute (maybe just one step). I tend to make bags, jewelry rolls, etc this way. Sewing is supposed to be fun after all.

  8. Cute! And yay for making something for yourself! I thought that looked like a fun pouch when I saw it, but since I have no cool tech device needing headphones I'll have to find another reason to make it.

  9. I've got that fabric and I have headphones. I am feel
    Ling the need for a me project! Love it, and why shouldn't you make something for yourself?!

  10. What a cute idea! i my try one for my niece...:)

  11. That is so lovely!

    But try to keep it. The cuffs I made for myself I gave to a friend as a birthday present. At least she loves them as much as I did but now my hands are freezing again ...

  12. Great idea! Very use-able and handy, with a bit of cuteness. Well done :)

  13. Love this little pouch! I also have this pinned, yay for making something for you!!

  14. Great idea, love the fabrics, real cute
    Karen x

  15. What a great idea - I need one, I want one!!! Thanks for the link!

  16. I totally need one of these, perfect!

  17. It's super cute! I made one too! Mine isn't perfectly round either!

  18. Very nice. It is lovely to make something just for yourself. It will make you smile every time you see it in your bag. Enjoy.

  19. I saw this too and decided to make it for hubbie!
    He wants a plain one too.

  20. How cute is that!? I'm SO glad you posted about this, as I'm now going to make a couple for hubby and daughter as stocking staffers. What an adorable little pouch! Well done, I love your tilda fabric choices.

  21. Love these pouches, after I read this post yesterday I decided that they would make fab pressies for my brother in laws so I just whipped up 2 this evening, so thanks for the Christmas pressie inspiration

  22. Great idea! why is it that headphones ALWAYS get tangled beyond belief?! x


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