
Monday, January 30, 2012

Pattern Giveaway Winner

Thanks everyone for entering my giveawy for Kat's lovely pouch patterns. The lucky winner is:

who is:

Debbie, I will email you with your patterns!

EDITED TO UPDATE on 2nd February.

When I contacted Debbie, it turned out that she had won a copy of the patterns on another giveaway before I contacted her, and she asked me to redraw as she wanted someone else to have them. I have done this and the new winner is

who is:

And I have contacted her by email! Congrats :-) 


  1. Thanks so much Sarah! Hope you got my reply email :)

  2. HAHA that's SO funny - Debbie must be on a winning streak! Unreal... Congratulation Debs!

  3. Goodness - Debbie is destined to win these patterns! Congrats lucky lady!


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