
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Winter Stitching Wrap Up

Ok peeps, here it is, the grand finale of the Winter Stitching List. Woohoo! I hope you are pleased? You should be! I  After all, the whole point of the Big List is to celebrate what we do get done, rather than beating ourselves up for the elusive projects that we didn't. So, will I kick it all off and give you my report? To be perfectly honest, some of these projects seem like I did them SO long ago - so much has happened in the last few months!

FairyFace Designs

1. Finish the quilt for my friend A's baby girl E. Done!

2. Quilt for my son D.  Not done. To be honest, I have gone through a few different design plans for this and I am procrastinating. But I made a decision on it last week so I am ready to start it - my next project. Fabric is pulled and ready.

3. Yellow and white baby quilt. Done - it morphed into my Fresh Pinwheels quilt and was a finish I was really pleased with!

4. Christmas Table Runner Swap. Done!

5. Finish my Skittles quilt. Done and in everyday use by the kids and me. Possibly my favourite quilt ever. I am still in love with the handquilting!

6. Finish my Tumbling Blocks baby quilt and sell it! Not yet....

7. Take part in the 2nd round of the Solids Swap. Done and my lovely partner Katie seemed very happy!

8. Make a quilt for my lovely hubbie who insisted I put that in my list! Nope....he is still waiting...

9. Finish the curtains for our bedroom. Not finished, but there is some progress!

10. Make a quilt using the Ruby layer cake I just bought to go on the 2nd sofa in the living room. Quilt top is done using Oh, Fransson!'s crazy 9 patch lattice pattern and is awaiting basting and quilting. On the back burner due to some other projects but I am looking forward to finishing it.

11. Finish the cardi I am knitting for myself - I am 3/4 way there with this one :-)

15. Write some tutorials for my blog!  Yes! Lots!


17. Make an engagement gift for my good friend R  - Yes :-) Another table runner!

Stepping Stones Table Runner full view1

18. Quilt for another friend A in the New Year.  Still not ready for this one yet
19. Make a quilt using my Little Apples FE bundle - I have my quilt top nearly assembled in Sarah's Stained QAL so happy with progress here!

21. Keep up with Sew Bee Blissful and figure out what I want to do for my month as Queen Bee in February. Done! Still waiting for some of my February blocks but now I have a recipient in mind for this quilt.

22. Make some long overdue handbags for some friends. Not done alas..

23. My {Sew} Get Started tutorials series. I am really pleased with how my tutorials series is going and want to sincerely thank everyone who has contributed a tutorial - you are all so great!

FairyFace Designs

24.  The Matryoshka Quilt - Done!

24. The (spur of the moment!) Christmas quilt:

25.  Mouthy Stitches zippy pouch: Done and happily received by Diane.

26. Modern Mini Challenge: I whipped up a quick mini as part of Jennifer's fabulous Modern Mini challenge.

27. I took part in round 12 of the Doll Quilt swap and had a lot of fun making this little Drunkard's path quilt for Marilyn

28.  Some small project finishes for myself and for gifts!

29. Modern Quilt Guild Ireland launch...Cindy and I are still having fun with this!

Modern Quilt Guild of Ireland

30.  Pay If Forward...not done, oh well, I still have another 6 months for this!

I can't wait to see what you have done! The linky will be open for a couple of weeks (up to Monday 7th May) for your updates, so go write up your post and then come back and link up. I will do a draw for a surprise little prize for anyone who links up, once they have participated in either the initial linky, or the mid-winter check in.

So, get linking!


  1. Wow! You got a lot done. Very Impressive!

  2. Wow that was a huge list and you have done lots of them! You have set the bar very high!

  3. Flipping heck woman - way to make the rest of us look like we spent the winter in bed!! Well done to you though.

  4. You are prolific! Congrats on all the beautiful finishes and all the progress!

  5. Sarah, You're one busy girl! I love all your work and looking forward to see the works in progress finished! :)

  6. Oh my! You haven't stopped!!!!. Congratulations!!!

  7. O.M.G. How on earth did you get all that done? Thats incredible.

  8. VERY VERY impressive Sarah and all gorgeous work! Well done! :)

  9. Yay, well done you! I've just written up war and peace and linked up! I left out all the things I started and didn't finish that weren't on my original plan though, I didn't have all day ;o)

  10. What an impressive list! And such beautiful quilts. Can I link up a post with what I've sewn without having participated in the intial linky? :)

  11. My goodness...what a list!! You have achieved so much!Makes mine list seem slack!

  12. Wow what a list! Glad to see you got quite a lot of it completed! Can't wait to see the rest of them done =D

  13. I`m absolutely exhausted reading your list! You have done so amazingly well. I love your skittles quilt espesh and the Russian dolls - gorgeous!

  14. So many wonderful projects Sarah and they are all so lovely !

  15. You have had a successful winter on the sewing front! Di x

  16. I am exhausted just reading you're post! Have you stopped to take a breath yet? ;)

    Love the Modern Mini,spur of the moment Christmas quilt,and the doll quilt especially!

    You deserve a "Winter Stitching List" Award!!!

    Will link up soon :)

  17. I need a nap. And another 24 hours in the day. Wow, lady - you are awesome!

  18. You have done an amazing amount from that huge list!! Gorgeous stuff :)

  19. Wow! This is an incredible list! And I can confirm #7. I love my bag! I use it all the time, and I'm always getting compliments. :)

  20. So much beautiful work, it is nice to see it all set out here!

  21. Just wow. You had such a long list and accomplished so much! You really have made so many beautiful things this winter. I hope you are feeling successful!

  22. So impressed with all your completed projects! I am slightly ashamed to admit that I haven't managed to get any further with my list than where I was at the halfway point!
    R x

  23. Your finished projects are beautiful! I especially love your Drunkards' Path mini -- it's so happy! :)


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