
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What the postman brought.....

The postman rang the doorbell both yesterday and today. I just love when he does that!

First up was the mini quilt my partner made for me in the swap between the Atlanta MQG and the Irish MQG. I was so thrilled when I opened the package - look what I got!!

Lennye read me absolutely right - I love the colourful prints against the solids, I love the hexie and I adore the dense quilting. It's just fab!

She also sent me 2 bars of gorgeous handmade soap, they are lovely :-)  I love the pieced back on this quilt and the label (which I have blurred, in case you're wondering!) It even has little corners so I can hang it - just need to decide where. Thanks so much Lennye, its lovely!

Then, today, another lovely package. 8 FQs of The Birds and the Bees from the lovely Julie - I have been swooning over this online and couldn't wait to get it into my hands. I have lots of ideas flying round in my head for this fabric, can't wait to cut into it!


I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.