
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Naptime Sewing

It's been a busy 6 weeks here, but I've managed to squeeze some sewing into R's nap time in the last week or so, and its amazing how great it makes me feel. I didn't realise how much I had missed the process of making things - it does my sanity good! It might seem like its impossible to sew with a new baby, but I am finding 15 minutes here and there and making progress steadily working in bite size chunks, so to speak!

When I was browsing around looking for cute tutorials to make things for R, I found a great tutorial to restyle a little girl's tshirt into a dress and decided to try it on a tshirt E has had in her wardrobe, unworn for months now. I haven't done any garment sewing in a long time, so it was fun to tackle a different project.

Ooops - of course, I discovered the reason she hasn't worn it when I started sewing - its more than a full size too big for her, but by the time she fits it, the Moshi Monsters will no doubt be last year's fad. So I kept going and added some ruffles. I used a knit, a cotton and a seersucker to give some different textures.


When I pinned this, I thought it would be a simple enough project, but I found sewing the ruffles on in layers a bit tricky. But I got there in the end and I think it turned out pretty cute.

Next I moved on to making something for my baby girl. When I saw the peasant dresses that Toni sewed for her baby girl last summer, I made a mental note to make some myself if I had a baby girl. So I ran up one in the last few days, using a pretty cotton print I found in the local fabric shop, and a little bit of one of my stash fabrics (Hope Valley I think?).


I used this free tute, although I might buy the pattern so I can size it up as its very pretty. I even added the ric rac edging!

The pattern is great and easy to make. The only thing I realised - at the very end - is that the sizing is quite small. I only noticed that even though its 0-3 months, its up to 12lbs - most of the 0-3 month clothing here in Ireland goes up to 13.5lbs at a minimum, even 14lbs sometimes.  Some my chubby little lady is already nearly at the weight limit and I'd say she'll get only a couple of wears out of it.... I'll just have to make another in a bigger size! :-)

The last project I've been working on is a tumbler quilt with my Posy charm packs. Here's a sneak peek...I have the tumblers all pieced and just need to add some borders to have a finished quilt top. I'm loving working on this and aiming to get it finished maybe next weekend, it will only be a small pram sized quilt but very pretty.

Getting the time to write posts and upload pics is still a bit of an effort, as is commenting on other blogs. But as I have my phone on me most of the time, I am snapping what I'm working on and posting it on Instagram (sewfairyface) and my FB page, and following others on the same apps that I can browse easily while cuddling or feeding a baby so if you want to keep up with me, you might like to follow me there. And if you leave your Instagram name or link to your FB page in the comments I'll be able to keep up easier with you too :-)


  1. All your projects look great, glad you're managing to squeeze in some 'you' time

  2. Beautiful little dresses S! And your tumblers are going to be a lovely blankie! Jxo

  3. The t-shirt reinvented as a dress is a brilliant idea. I'm going to pass that idea on to my DIL.

  4. Those dresses are so cute! both are great. And I love your posy quilt. Glad you are getting time to yourself. That's how I was for quiet a while with this boy. I found time to sew, but not to read or comment.

  5. Adding the frills to the shirt is a brilliant idea! And I love the pretty colours in your tumbler quilt.

  6. These projects look great - I'm inspired that you can fit some sewing into nap time - hopefully I'll be able to do the the same!

  7. Wow Sarah, your time management is unbelievable!!!!!, and your projects are lovely. I have added this post to my to do list (not that I need a new project on the list though!).

  8. Wonderful makes Sarah! The t-shirt dress is a great idea and the baby one is really cute! Love the posie too :) I'm with you on sewing keeping us sane!

  9. Well done for keeping beautifully sane xxx

  10. Oh man you're full of cuteness here. Love what you're making!

  11. Yay for beautiful sanity sewing!

  12. Oh! I'm missing many blogs I like from my reader!
    You've been busy! I love the tumbler quilt with Posy, I'd love to try and make a tumbler , did you use a template or just cut it yourself?
    The dresses are fab!

  13. I'm knew to sewing and quilting and trying to learn as much as I can. I love your quilt. What is a tumbler quilt?


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