
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Learn to Sew: Free online sewing classes

Have you been inspired by The Great British Sewing Bee? Keen to try your hand at sewing, dressmaking and quilting? If so you're in the right place!

I learned to sew in 2008. I did a basic night class (how to turn on a sewing machine, that basic!!) for a few weeks, and then I started reading sewing blogs. Pretty much everything I know, apart from how to thread my sewing machine, and a little bit of basic dressmaking, I learned from free tutorials on the fantastic sewing and quilting blogs out there. I had never done Home Economics/Domestic Science in school, and had never sat behind a sewing machine before I bought a machine in Lidl in August 2008. I'm pretty amazed at some of the things I've managed to make and how many skills I've acquired in the intervening 5 years - I even have a quilt pattern featured in a book being published this spring! 

But more than that, I am constantly amazed at how much I absolutely adore sewing. I really, really love it. I love making pretty things. I love the processes and the satisfaction at getting something right. I love how challenging it is, and how I can constantly push my skill levels to achieve more. The internet is still my go-to source for all sewing related techniques and questions and yes, you can learn to sew from it - I absolutely did!

So - if you are ready to be hooked, what next?

Last year, I ran a very popular series of sewing and quilting tutorials and classes here on my blog for beginners. I called it {Sew} Get Started. It started by explaining the basics and then progressed into a series of tutorials/classes aimed at helping the complete beginner to learn to sew and increasing in complexity as the series progressed. Tutorials were contributed by my very talented sewing friends, who all have blogs of their own.

They're all listed on this page:
FairyFace Designs

If you're not a complete beginner, you might want to dive in with some of the tutorials. But if you just want to learn to sew, start at the top, and work your way down...and then get out there and explore the wonderful world of sewing blogs!


  1. I enjoyed the sew off but was a bit disappointed it was all dress making.I really need it learn to put in zips before I do dress making.

  2. I loved the Great British sewing bee last night. Already hooked. Great to hear how you got started Sarah. Your sewing and ideas are phenomenal and I agree with you on how many great tutorials etc re out there. The online community are great and very welcoming.

  3. I was a bit Meh about the sewing bee last night, I'll still watch it, as Im thrilled that sewing is being recognised again, but dress making dosnt interest me half as much a quilt making does.

  4. Ooh snuck the 'being published' in there did we!! Well done you xxxxxxx

  5. It was fun to watch, wasn't it? You would have been amazing on a show like that...the Great Irish Sew-Off. Brilliant.

  6. Hi there

    I am so happy to have stumbled across your blog! What an amazing and inspired place to be!

    I run sewing classes and make quilts, it is my little business and I have three kiddies too so I rarely have time to blog or read blogs or do all the things I would love to do.

    I have been meaning to do a series of simple online tutorials but again, there is never time. I would love to therefor link to yours from both my website and my blog if that is ok with you?

    My website is and my blog is


  7. Hello Sarah, I 'met' you on Instagram & Twitter ;-) Great to see your sewing series tweeted by the Sewing Directory.
    Would you believe I started sewing almost exactly the same time, also with a machine from Lidl - though it was given to me by my mother. I started by making 2 dresses for my daughter - completely out of my head (something I'd be afraid to do now), then I copied and sized up a winter coat for her - and it's been nearly all dressmaking for me since then.
    Anyway- Congratulations on being published - your quilting is amazing :-)

  8. Your tutorials have definitely helped me to learn how to sew. I started quilting a couple of years ago - just basic hand piecing and hand quilting learnt from a friend. But your blog and then the quilting blogging community is where I have learnt everything else and get all my inspiration - thanks so much :-)


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