
Monday, August 19, 2013

A Hexie Conundrum

In the evenings, I have been slowly, very slowly, basting these little hexies I cut from my scrap basket.

There's about a hundred 1/2" hexies there. The big question is what to make with them. Any ideas? Answers on a postcard please.....


Oh - and if you'd like to win a little pile of die cut hexies slightly larger than these, also cut from my scrap basket, don't forget to enter my giveaway here - it closes tonight.



  1. oh they are so pretty!! How about using them to decorate towels or pillow?

  2. What sort of area do they cover when together like that? I'd love them as a purse/bag. They'd look so great and it's a great excuse to bring them places with you :)

  3. I love making journal covers with my hexies!

  4. Tomorrow starts the hexiebloghop over at Sew We Quilt. For sure you will find some great inspiration over there.
    Love your hexies!

  5. I made little 4 hexie diamonds and they sew together so quick and easy. Love the scrappy look. Some of my friends are making rows of 7 and then forming them into diamonds.

  6. I dunno, but let me know when you work it out, I have a panel of the things sitting here myself ;o)

  7. 1/2"? Ooooo. Itty bitty hexies! I second Cindy - I think they'd make a lovely purse/bag x

  8. 1/2"? Ooooo. Itty bitty hexies! I second Cindy - I think they'd make a lovely purse/bag x

  9. These are lovely! First thought was a pillow but when I read they are only 1/2'' I would rather say applique on a table runner or a notebook cover.

  10. I have the same problem, although I think I will use mine as a border for my DWR quilt

  11. Wonderful hexies! I think they'd make a great cover for an eReader. Enjoy.

  12. Can't believe I have been so busy in the real world that I missed your bloggoversary and those amazing hexi's you cut. So a belated happy Bloggoversary and I hope whoever wins those hexi's knows what to do with them.
    As for the hexi's you have basted - I don't know. There are some great suggestions here already and I think I might have to head over to Sew we Quilt for the hexibloghop and get inspired too.

  13. I am going for a wall hanging with granddaughter's initial in it. They are fun to make, hope they will be fun to stitch together...!

  14. A hexie frame purse - I know you could make a great one Sarah! Or edge a skirt with them along the hemline or make a cute scarf!

  15. A nice zippered pouch or fold over clutch....I'm on my first hexie project ever and I'm thinking of doing a zippered pouch....Nice hexies...I'm starting with 1 inch and font think I'll go much smaller....but I love them!


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