
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sweet Baby Burp Cloths

During the week, one of my small girl's best friends, who lives a few doors down from us, got a new baby brother. This was cause for a LOT of excitement on my daughter's part - not least because, being in possession of a 15 month old sister, she sees herself as something of an authority on babies.

So I wanted to make a little present for her to give to her friend for the new baby, somethng that she could help me make. I had some cute little boy fabrics, but not in huge quantities and I decided that a set of burp cloths might fit the bill. I made some of these for myself last year before I had baby R and I used them loads. I made some with towelling backing, and some with flannel backing, and I much preferred the flannel, their shape held up much better to frequent washing and they were light and easy to use.

So I got cutting and then I had a small girl help me sew them together.

Aren't they cute? I used blue dotty flannel on the back, and topstitched 3 rows around the edges to give them a nice finish. They measure 17" x 10", a great size for mopping up after baby. They're all ready for the small girl to give to her friend tomorrow.


  1. Simple, Sweet and So practical, nicely done.

  2. Very cute, she's obviously wise to know friend's new baby brother needs these ;o)

  3. Very cute and special. Handmade gifts are treasures.

  4. this is such a good idea, remembering back in the far distant past I could have used some of these.

  5. So cute! I love that vehicle fabric.


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