
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Starting a Cheerio Quilt...

I got the latest copy of Love Patchwork and Quilting primarily for the quilt pattern of the cover quilt. I had seen pictures of this issue floating around, and thought it looked great. I wasn't disappointed.

Over the weekend I realised that I hadn't pieced a quilt top in what seems like months - its been all small projects here. And I had a lovely stack of fabric waiting to be cut into. So I did.

After making 2 blocks, I was completely and utterly in love. These blocks are so easy and quick to piece, and look great. Addictive.

By the time this afternoon came, I had 4 more complete.

Anyone feel like joining in with me and we can cheerio-along together? I'm posting my progress on Instagram using the hastag #cheerioquiltalong


  1. That looks so cute! If I didn't have a million wips I would join in, sorry :)

  2. Is that magazine published in the US? I'm having trouble finding it.

  3. Ha!! Cheerio as in the cereal and not "goodbye" like I first thought! *facepalm* Your fabrics are peeeeerfect for this pattern, though. So pretty and happy!

  4. How cute are those!!! I shouldn't start another project...I mustn't even consider making a few blocks along with you...but already I am thinking about digging into my scrappies...this would be so much just talked me into it! Now off to the sewing room I go.

  5. What month is the issue with this quilt? Sometimes Barnes and Noble carries Love patchwork, but they usually only have a couple of copies. I'd love to make one of these. :-)

  6. It is available through ITunes.

  7. I saw this pattern too and loved it. I will make it at some point, as soon as I reach the bottom of my to do list...

  8. Your Cheerio is very cheery! Not sure that book is easily available here in Australia, otherwise I might have been seriously tempted! Cheers!

  9. Just love the the cheery pattern too, having only attempted 1 or 2 square blocks...this looks complicated! I might have to grab a copy of the mag and have a go...maybe with the fabric I won from Lucy at Charm About You!

    Can't wait to see your progress.


  10. I liked it too, will give it a go!
    Still trying to get my medallion quilt finished though, and then will get stuck in

  11. I love this block too. I'm going to track down the magazine and make some. I wanted to find a pattern that was simple enough that I wouldn't get bored doing it because I want to make a bed sized quilt!

  12. These blocks look gorgeous.....and so much fun. It looks like a reversed version of the x and + quilt???

  13. Just catching up, lots of lovely makes there, I might also have got a bit hooked on Frozen after seeing it on the plane - can I have a cape too please? Also laughing at Lynz...

  14. So cute! I'm loving those blocks, but no one around me carries the magazine! Is it bad if i just figure it out myself!? LOL

  15. Really is a cute block and love it in bright colors!

  16. Stop. It.
    That's just as cute as cute comes.

  17. Just finished the cheerio quilt what a beauty. Love your colours happy and bright. Hugs Maggie.x


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