
Sunday, July 6, 2014

FAL Q2... A sad little list of finishes

This quarter didn't really go to plan. I looked down my list earlier in the week and hung my head in shame. I only finished 2 measly projects from my (admittedly ambitious) list. In my defence it has been an insanely busy few months for me at work and with the kids activities finishing up in a whirlwind of end of year concerts etc, the time just flew by.

So it's a big fat fail on most of my projects.


But the two successes I had were great. First up, my Made to Measure quilt which I finished only in the last few days.


And the other item I had was another cushion with my blogger bundle fabrics, to coordinate with the original one I made. This turned out pretty well - but I just realised I only blogged the progress pictures and not the final result. Didn't it turn out pretty? It is now residing on my sofa along with 2 others I made and very cheery.


So they are my two little finishes. I'm linking up to Katy and hoping Q3 is a bit more productive!



  1. The quilt is stunning and the sofa looks so inviting with those pretty cushions!

  2. We all have some sad list of unfinishes, so feel good, you got to some of your projects and believe you me, we are all super busy. Summer around my home has taken on the great gardening list! :)

  3. Be thankful you have those 2 beautiful finishes! I only finished one out of 5 on my list and it was not nearly as ambitious as your Medallion quilt and that gorgeous pillow! That just motivates me to get more done next quarter. :)

  4. Don't be down on yourself you made that beautiful quilt for your parents. And your cushions are lovely and cheery .well done

  5. I only had two finishes too, so you're not alone!

  6. Your Medallion quilt is truly beautiful Sarah!

  7. You should get extra bonus entries for your medallion quilt finish. Seriously.

  8. It takes time to create! You did a fine job on the cushions. Lovely colors.

  9. I really like the cushion you made. You sound a bit down about how much you got done. Three kids, end of school year, work, etc all means a busy life. Look at al that got done outside of sewing for that three months. I say this coz I didn't touch my machine between April and July. I have to remember that sewing should be fun, not a pressure I should get to. Of course, I'd love to more often!

  10. I'm also in the two finishes club and am delighted to welcome you as a member!!


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