
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Giveaway winner...calling Ohio......

A huge big thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway for Sew Mama Sew! giveaway day. Wow, I had 983 entries, which kind of blew me away! I couldn't possibly respond to the comments but I did read every single one of them and it was so much fund to see where you are all going to spend the holidays. I love how the blogging community is spread around the world, I had entries from so many different countries.

Thank you too to all my new followers! I hope that you come back and visit me often - please just join in the chat :-) To all my "old" followers - yes, I know you're not old, bad choice of words, lol!! - thank you for all the lovely comments.

Ok, so, on to the main event, the winner. Big drum roll please.......

Mr. Random drew:

Who is:

Congratulations Sangeetha, I will be in touch with you to get your address and will send these off to Ohio next week.

I know quite a few people were interested in the tutorial for the phone cozies - it is now up and you'll find it here.

That's all for today folks. Hope you're having fun getting ready for Christmas. Did I mention that I am finished up work till 5th January? Yipee!! I will (hopefully, all going well) have a couple of posts with finishes up before the big day but if you don't get back to visit me before then I hope you have a wonderful Christmas xx


  1. Congratulations Sangeetha! and thank you Sarah!!

  2. Congrats Sangeetha. As for fun, I'm not sure I'd entirely call it that right now o.O Hope you're having more fun!

  3. Congrats to Sangeetha! And enjoy your time off S! Have a great one! Jxo

  4. Congrats Sangeetha! Although, when I saw that it was to Ohio, I was really hoping it was me. :)

    Thank you for the tut on the phone cozy, I can't wait to make one!

  5. Congratulations to Sangeetha and now that work is out the way you enjoy the holidays!!


I love to read your comments and do my best to reply to them all, but with a busy job and a family to look after sometimes I don't get time! Comment settings have been changed to reduce the volume of spam I am receiving.