
Monday, December 19, 2011

It's not nice to gloat......

but I'm going to do it anyway! After all, it would be a crying shame to pass up the opportunity with winnings like these!

The postman must be wondering what is up at my house this last week (I usually get parcel deliveries to work). Every day it seems like another package drops through the postbox, each nicer than the next. Some are presents for the festive season but 2 of them were all just for me!

First up, this:

It arrived from the USA in double quick time after I won AnneMarie's fantastic giveaway and I have been leafing through the manual while waiting impatiently for the post-Christmas sales when I am (finally) getting a new laptop and can get started using it. I'm slightly afraid that trying to load it onto my (hubbie's) dinosaur laptop might cause the whole thing to collapse spectacularly, given that these days editing photos is a long drawn out process!

Then, I got home from shopping this afternoon (did I mention I'm on my holidays? No, I know I didn't ;-) Woohoo, I felt like a real lady of leisure shopping in the city on a Monday morning and enjoying a cappucino and the newspaper. All the better because, due to school still being on, I did not have to issue a constant stream of instructions about behaviour, manners and sitting still to my kids. Nice and super relaxing!) to find this:

Yes, believe it. A FQ bundle of Echo, my winnings from Celebrate Color.

I am not normally into yellows or oranges but I really love the warm shades in this bundle, particularly that mustardy yellow down the bottom of the pic! These came from Marmalade Fabrics, who sponsored the prizes and because a couple of the FQs were unavailable, Tammy replaced them with some great Kona solids.

However, as I might have mentioned, I bought a small FQ bundle of cool toned Echo prints from The Intrepid Thread in the Black Friday sale and I actually have one of the missing prints! But, just to make that collection complete, if anyone has a spare FQ of the Moira in Deep Indigo (the large flower type print) and wants to swap for something I have a couple of I would be more than happy to! I have 2 of everything in the pic below with the exception of the 3rd print from the left.

So that's my festive cheer for today. I have one quilt basted and partially quilted and another almost ready to baste. I have more Christmas shopping to do in the morning, plus some horrible mundane jobs to do like cleaning the oven in prep for the turkey. But I might, just might, sneak in some sewing time if I can make it in and out of the local shopping mall in double quick time so wish me luck!


  1. Lovely winnings! I'm not sure I'd bother cleaning the over before cooking the turkey - you're only going to have to do it after Christmas anyway and why do it twice?!!

  2. I hope you are enjoying your holidays Sarah! Sounds like you had a lovely morning and definitely some wonderful mail. :) Enjoy your Echo! I bought two of the prints and they are the orange and gold as it turns out. :)

    Merry Christmas my friend! Hope you get to sew a little today. xo

  3. I love love the Echo!! I've bought 4 prints from Mandy at simply solids but I'd love to get the rest of the line!
    Have a great Christmas!

  4. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Such lovely winnings - congratulations! I'm a new follower from the SMS giveaway... I can't wait to see what you make with them. :)

  5. totally in your right to gloat :) it's awesome to win stuff, and to get stuff in the mail! congrats.

  6. Huh, you can go off some people you know ;o) Enjoy your new toys anyway, and your time off work (sorry, did you hear the gritted teeth there? :oD )

  7. Oh, you will have so much fun with those! I love seeing my friends' names as winners in these giveaways!

  8. I'll be anxious to hear how you like EQ7 - I'm thinking about getting it once I have a new computer, too! (My laptop is from 2004...I'm afraid to turn it on, period!)

  9. what a fun pile of loot! i am a little green... ;)

  10. WHAT!! Your kiddies are still at school - that is just not fair! We had a coule of hours of screaming car journeys and Sainsbury today. No fun!

    Love the Echo but am sadly no help xxx

  11. lucky girl - i love that range - i bought a bundle for my bff for christmas, along with a few matching solids and i sooo want to pretend it didn't arrive in time and give her something else!

  12. Whoo-hoo! Have fun--perfect timing for you holiday!

  13. yipee for you get wins there,lucky you,merry xmas.xx

  14. I love Echo, nice that you won a big bunch of it! Enjoy the time off.

  15. What a great win. I am loving the Echo line, and I can't wait to see what you do with it! Enjoy your holidays:)

  16. lucky you, have have done very well out of giveaways!

  17. I'm coming over there to mug your postman as he comes up your front path!!

  18. oh gorgeous! I love the mustard too, it looks scrummy :)

  19. Love Echo!!! Funny that you bought the cool Irish tones while I was buying the warm Moroccan tones!

  20. Did you get some of the indigo print? I've just finished cutting out a bag from that print and have some scraps that you might be able to use?

  21. I've got some of the Moira as well but might need to be poked and prodded to part with it :)


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