
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Charlotte Bag Pattern

Sorry it's been so quiet around here lately! But I do have a little something for you :-)

Behind the scenes I have been working hard to write a pattern for my Charlotte Bag.

Originally, I made this bag for a friend last year.

Then when Julie was looking for pattern contributions for her newsletter I suggested I write a pattern for it, and I'm delighted to say she is including it in this month's newsletter. This time round I made it with some gorgeous Riley Blake Apple of My Eye fabrics, which I totally fell in love with. And of course, you can order some over at The Intrepid Thread!

This is a practical little bag that you can sling over your shoulder and use to carry your essentials!

So if you haven't already, pop over to The Intrepid Thread great site today and sign up for the newsletter to get a copy of the pattern.


  1. Lovely!! I am from Barcelona, Spain. Is it possible to find the pattern of this bag?

  2. Great bag!
    I already subscribe to Julie's newsletter so I shall look forward to the tutorial!

  3. Great bag. Can't wait for the pattern. Di x

  4. It's so cute! Can't wait for the pattern. :D

  5. There are so many cute bags out, I am not a bag person, but I am gonna have to change that. Really cute, and I know from personal experience you cant go wrong with THE INTREPID THREADS.. YOU GO JULIE

  6. Super cute! Ians I hadn't noticed that herringbone print before but it's awesome!

  7. Congratulations, Sarah! It's a great bag!

  8. Congratulation on your pattern, Sarah! The bag is Super Cute :)

  9. Love the bag and well done you on the pattern writing.

  10. congrats on getting your pattern out there, love the bag

  11. Oooh, oooh, snap lol Both the fabric line and the newsletter feature!

  12. Oh my goodness I am in love!

  13. Really love this bag- have been looking out for it since you mentioned it was in the pipeline, I get the intrepid thread newsletter but haven't seen the pattern. is there a link to it somewhere else?

  14. The bag is so pretty. I've signed up for the newsletter as suggested, but I would really like to get the pattern to the charlotte bag. Cheers. Sophie


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