
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Twirly Hexagon mug rug

Twirly hexagon mug rug 

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling pretty tired and know that feeling. When you know you have about 5 projects you should be doing but can't summon the energy to do any of them.

One of the projects was a mug rug - well, actually, a few people had asked me to make some. I was trying to think of an idea for one of them, incorporating the theme of 3 people and wanted to get away from squares, plus give myself room for something really colourful. I pulled out my scrap baskets and happened on the idea of hexagon wedges twirling around. I don't know what inspired it - maybe it was because I was thinking how much I loved pinwheels but they wouldn't work for 3! 

Then Felicity's gorgeous potholders came into my mind and I decided to try and do the hexagon wedges a little like what she had done for some of her piecing - made up of scraps.

So I drew up a template really quickly as a guide, dived into my scrap basket and came up with the three wedges you see here. Pink/red, Orange/Yellow and Blue/Green. As I pieced, cutting randomly without a ruler and flinging fabric around the table in fine old style, I really suddenly felt my sewing mojo return with a bang. In no time at all, they were done, I used my template to trim them back and cut my white wedges and pieced them together.

(Then my hubbie arrived in the kitchen to cook the dinner and groaned. Quote: "one thing I haven't missed about you not sewing so much is the fabric bombsite in this room".)

Later in the evening, I returned to it, pulling out my perle cotton and handquilting 2 lines on either side of the coloured wedges while watching some football with himself. I had stitched in the ditch to secure beforehand.

Twirly hexagon mug rug closeup

No doubt about the binding - it had to be black - perfect to set off the fresh colours. I never use black in my sewing, as you will know, and I just LOVE how it works in this. I think you'll be seeing a lot more of black in my binding from now on.

Twirly hexagon mug rug photo

And hey presto - it was done. And I can't wait to make a few more, to be honest. It feels like summer when I look at it :-) I'm not sure whether this is what that original person had in mind when she asked me to make mug rugs, but it doesn't really matter as I have a few other ideas floating around for that order, and I have other mug rug orders to do for someone who I am pretty sure would love this one :-)

Speaking of summer, I have a little giveaway coming up next week so be sure to pop back and check in!

I'm linking this up to Jennifer's Summer Sewing Contest over at Ellison Lane Quilts and {Sew} Modern Monday.



  1. That is a fun mug rug and I am glad you are inspired again.

  2. Love how colourful it is, that it is a different shape and that it has hand stitching. A total win of a design!

  3. It is so beautiful! I love how simple it looks. Absolutely lovely!

  4. That's such a cute mug rug and you make it sound so fast to sew together. Thanks for the good idea.

  5. Love it - and glad the mojo is back with a vengeance!

  6. beautiful very cute, like the stripe triangle!

  7. Its adorable - the hand stitching is charming and the black & white dotty binding totally sets it off. I've become quite enamoured of black & white bindings on very colorful works too lately.

  8. It is such a nice mug rug. Next time hubby mentions the mess just tell him it is fabric cooking! Dix

  9. It is a funnt mug rug! I love the fabrics you have used!
    Kisses from Barcelona!

  10. That is really beautiful! I love the colors and you're right, the black really sets them off!

  11. Great to see you sewing and having fun with it again :-) I think most men object to the fabric bomb going off... so dont worry bout it at all ;-)

  12. That is so cool, it was also make a great mini quilt :)

  13. Sarah, how long did it take to sew this mug rug? I absolutely love it!! I cracked up at your hubby's comment "bombsite" LOL.. how dare they not recognize genius at work! ;-)


  14. That looks so awesome! I have some hexagon pillows to make soon, this is a great way to go with the idea =D

  15. Very cute - and such a great shape for a mug rug.

  16. Super make! What a colorful bit of happiness! The hand quilting just finishes it off perfectly.

  17. LOVE these and thanks for the shout-out, my dear!

  18. I absolutely love this! Glad you found your mojo!

  19. This is so fun. I must make some too.


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