
Monday, August 11, 2014

The best part of swaps

I know I've written about this before, but there is something strange about taking part in swaps. You spend all of the swap window fretting about your partner, trying to second guess them, pushing yourself to impress them, working to someone else's taste. (It's fabulous, its why I love swaps. I just adore how it pushes you outside your comfort zone.) Then you send off your package and all of a sudden, it really hits you that you will be getting a package too. I know that you've been commenting on the photos all along, but its kind of abstract, in a way.

So when my hubbie rang me today at work to say there was a package for me, I spent the whole day in anticipation and of course, I ripped it open as soon as I got in the door. (yes, before picking up Miss R, or saying hello to my other kids or hubbie. Bad mammy moment). I was not disappointed.

I received this beautiful Big Stitch Swap package from Helen. She knew I just adore Lilipopo girls, and she made one just for me. I was so delighted when I opened it because you know how it is, you always make lovely things for everyone else and never keep the stuff you really love for yourself. This way, I get to have my own. I love how sweet she is! She is on the front of a lovely iPad mini sleeve, with Liberty lawn and linen. This is my idea of perfection. It is so beautifully stitched and finished. I stitched one myself for this swap, and I will certainly say that the patterns are straightforward, but deceptively so - it is very difficult to get the character of those girls right. I love how this girl finished up, she is gorgeous.

 On the back, there is some lovely piecing with more Liberty and linen, and some hand quilting. I just love it all.

Helen also send me a lovely package of scraps, you can see them in the top photo. Thank you Helen, I absolutely love it and its made my day.


  1. Very nice! you did well there!

  2. so beautiful! That girl is just so sweet. Lucky you!

  3. I think she will be happy living with you x

  4. Hi Sarah! I love the pouch you made and I love the pouch you received! You are a lucky lucky girl! I really hope to join in the next swap! Ive been drooling over what you all made in this one.

  5. You are so right about swaps! You do concentrate so hard on the other person that you forget that someone is doing the same for you and then it arrives and is somehow all the nicer for not being waited for. You swapped some lovely things! xx

  6. Fabulous. You're so right thought we all spend so much time fretting about what we're sending, we forget we're getting something back ourselves! Can't wait to see what I get!

  7. So incredibly cute! Great swap package. I do the very same with swaps...nearly forget every time about a package coming my way :)


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