
Friday, September 12, 2014

Hauling my sewing mojo back from the brink

So. It's been a while. (A long while.)

That sewing mojo (what's that I hear you ask) appears to have deserted me. Well, ok, maybe not quite so dramatic as that, because that other thing (REAL LIFE) has been interfering, but still. It's been a month since I blogged (bad Sarah).  The summary is like this: family wedding in Poland in late August, meaning that mid August taken over by school prep, then travelling to Warsaw and eastern Poland for my baby brother's wedding (wonderful and so much fun, and totally different from an Irish wedding!) then returning home and straight into back-to-schoool and after-school activities (music, tin whistle, cello, Irish Dancing, hurling, athletics...yes, you get the idea) plus work, baby stuff, blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and as usual back to school = children bringing home bugs and infecting the rest of us (i.e. me and miss Rachel with their sore throat/runny nose etc) To summarise: its been busy. (understatement of the year)


Instagram Mini Quilt Inspiration Mosaic

I signed up for the Instagram mini quilt swap. I'm pretty excited by this. I got my partner details and saw her inspiration mosaic and its right up my street. But somehow, between sorting out the kids, and getting back on top of my workload and getting up in the middle of the night with the poor congested baba, and taking every over-the-counter medication known to mankind to cure my own sore throat/flu, I managed to forget to sort out my own inspiration mosaic. So here it is.

It appears that my latest "thing" is low volume + rainbow. Who knew? Funnily enough, making myself do this mosaic turned into a "Good. Thing." I was happily liking photos on Flick and found myself wanting to, you know, sew. More than once. Possibily I might break out the rotary cutter tomorrow (and, hold the headlines, I might even do it before all the housework is done!!) Result. The sewing mojo is finding its way back.

 Anyways, I love the look of these and if my partner is anywhere close to any of these I will be a happy bunny.  But if anyone wants to volunteer to, you know, drive my kids to after school activities, or turn up at my desk and pretend to be me for a week or so, that would be awesome. No takers? Really? And I thought you all loved me so much....


  1. Heh Sarah, I was once as busy as that and I'm here to tell you that hanging on to this blog and your art is a priority for your self esteem as a quilt blogger. I do remember raising kids etc and I mostly became overwhelmed and caved to the piles of work at home and at work. I held onto all the smallest of projects to keep my hand in the making part of my soul. I encourage you to do so, you are so talented!!

    Hanging on is your gift to yourself!

    Well done on the instagram swap!
    No sweatzsky on not posting for a month, you were busy, its cool!

  2. I've been away even longer than that but determined to be back soon! I love love love your mosaic and hope this gives you the push to get back in to the swing of things.

  3. Yeah mojo! I love what Caroline wrote and couldn't agree more! Glad to see you back :)

  4. Don't you feel sometimes that your blogging mojo is a real thing too? Mine goes AWOL sometimes and I force myself to blog since it's my family record and not a sewing blog as such. But I'm blogging *everything* just now. Which might be incredibly boring for reading but makes me happy. So having sewing mojo doesn't always equate to blogging mojo is what I'm trying to say. I think. I might need a cup of tea after all that cleaning this morning...

  5. Your mosaic is beautiful - It's enough to inspire any one!

  6. Welcome back Sarah, gorgeous inspiration. I love rainbow coloured designs, can't wait to see what you make.

    I barely managed to sew over the summer hols either, so hard with kids at home. Hoping to get back into how school has restarted. I've even booked myself a day off work on Tuesday to sew instead. got a wedding gift to make for Saturday, nothing like leaving it until last minute!

  7. Everyone goes through a sewing lull, you have a very busy life and I'm amazed by how much you get done. Love the mosaic.

  8. I think that finding a balance where you can enjoy all the things that are happening in your family and work and still have time here and there for creativity is worth the effort, and that balance will shift often too. It's a beautiful mosaic, have fun in the swap.

  9. It's so nice to see you pop up in my feed! Hi Miss Sarah! Hi!
    Listen, we all go through times when sewing diappears from our lives. It's just that life has other priorities that need our attention...weddings, school and babies clearly are top on the list. We'll hang out until things settle down :)
    Love love love your mosaic. xx

  10. It's lovely to see you appear in my Feedly list - it's been a while but then it's been even longer since my name appeared in anyone else's list ;o) I hope you get back to sewing soon, enjoy the swap!

  11. Life can get hectic sometimes. I know all about that! Hang in there. It's a season and seasons change. At least that's what I tell myself!

  12. I hope your mojo has meandered back by now, but if not, a little tune on the tin whistle while you're Irish dancing or hurling should keep us entertained for now ;o)

  13. i'm struggling with mojo too, both sewing and blogging - and like you its not that i dont want to! like lynz said (she's awffy clever) letting myself blog about everything not just sewing has helped. might lose me some followers, but the friends will stick around. xxx

  14. sometimes real life just gets busy busy busy, this summer whether with school age children (or not in my case) just flew past. It is good to see you back though, I missed reading your blog x


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