Happy new year everyone. It's been a long time (again) since I said hello and I think that 2016 was probably my slowest sewing year since I started sewing for lots of reasons. But towards the end of the year I was back sewing regularly again, feeling the excitement of watching a project coming together and really valuing the me-time and mental space it provided me with, so I am hopeful that I might manage to bring my blog back to life this year - well, with your help anyway! So lots of sewing, multiple projects and regular blogging - not much then, by the way of new year's resolutions ;-)
The main kickstart to getting back sewing again was this baby - my pride and joy - my Marcelle Medallion. I know I'm a few years late to the party but that didn't matter to me. I made this entirely to my own taste, bright, cheerful and eclectic and every time I look at the picture of it I smile. It really did make me fall back in love with sewing again.
Besides my lovely Marcelle Medallion, I have a few more nice finishes from last year to show you.
One of the things I did manage to do last year was run the Big Stitch Swap - round 2 - with Cindy. I made this Knitting Roll for Paula:
Knitting Roll |
And this Circles Mini Quilt for Carmen when an angel quilt was called for:
Hand Quilted Circles Mini Quilt |
On the bigger projects, I finally (FINALLY!!) finished this stepping stones quilt which is my own pattern and was stalled for about a year and a half. I really like the graphic nature of it.
Stepping Stones Quilt |
And lastly, my second pride and joy of last year was this Octagon Shimmer quilt which was a fairly gigantic project that took me most of the year to work through. I loved it, then hated it, then ignored it, then fell back in love with it again, and in the end my brother-in-law who had asked me to make a quilt for him to gift a good friend had to practically wrestle it out of my arms when it came to handing it over.
Octagon Shimmer Quilt |
I have a couple of projects I'm working on at the moment, of which my favourite is this circles quilt for a small boy.
Along with getting back sewing, I'm hoping to start to catch up on some of my favourite
blogs again. I'm looking forward to catching up with you all :-)