Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zippy love!

I was feeling in need of a little instant gratification today after spending a lot of time trimming HSTs for the Fresh Pinwheels quilt. I have 112 squares to trim. That's a lot of trimming! I did all the yellow 56 done, 56 to go. I cut the original squares slightly bigger than recommended to make up for any wonky seams and so I could trim them back to a perfect 4.5" square and am so glad I did, they are all so accurate now when I have them trimmed.

After those 56 squares, I felt in need of a little pick-me-up, After being press-ganged persuaded by Hadley to join the Zippy pouch round of the new Mouthy Stitches group I thought a little practice would be in order.

Plus, everything is in a jumble in my sewing basket and I wanted some pouches for storing zips, elastic and stuff like that to stop it all getting mixed up.

I didn't want to do anything too complicated and wanted to practise my zip ends, as I am never totally happy with how they turn out. So off I went to the stash box and picked two nice not-typically-me fabrics for the exteriors. No patchwork, no piecing, just fabric and interfacing.

The first was this apple fabric which I really like but haven't managed to make anything with yet. This was a smallish one, about 6.5" x 4.75". I used lovely yellow Hideaway fabric on the inside and for the tabs.  Perfect for my zips.

The second was this lovely Tanya Whelan fabric. Again, one I have in the stash because it was on sale and it was pretty, but never found a real use for it. I can't tell you how much I LOVE this pouch made up. The fabric makes me think of water, I don't know why! It is longer at 9.5" x 4.75", perfect for a pencil case. Although my scissors and rotary cutter seem to have found their way into it! Its lined with some 1001 Peeps orange, same as the tabs.

I was really pleased with my tabbed ends. They work out very nicely. I used Kelly's tutorial which I have used before for doing them and I really like the neatness of the ends.

Not quite as happy with the interior lining seams, so maybe I will need to do some more practice! All in all, a very productive afternoon. Hope your weekend was good!

I am hoping that this week, after getting the majority of the introductory tutorials for {Sew} Get Started written and posted, I can get back to reading and commenting on blogs - I have been so busy behind the scenes with all the writing, I just haven't had time. I feel like I missed so much this past few weeks and miss all my lovely bloggy mates :-( So, hopefully this is the week I get back visiting my fave blogs again.

I'm liking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and Manic Monday - pop over there and visit some of the talented ladies who also link up!

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Kelli said... 1

Very lovely, Sarah. Sometimes we need those quick little projects, don't we? And it's even better when they turn out as cute as your little pouches did.

Nicky said... 2

Oh yes a just reward for all those HSTs! You are ready then and raring to go! I succumbed to that second fabric too...haven't used mine as I think I had it in mind for a patchwork summer skirt which I didn't get around to starting last year!

Catherine said... 3

love those pouches! I am also in the process of practising, but didn;t get as far as the zips: its all ready to go though

Kelly said... 4

Love the pouches! I really need to practice my zippers, so should pull my finger out and get cracking :)

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 5

I think there is something wrong with me, I love HSTs and zips so much now!!
These all look great - a zippy for the zippers - I'm going to make one now! (Well not this instant but I want to copy you!).

As for 'press-ganged'! You were begging to join and you know it!! xxx

Jessica Kelly said... 6

great zippy pouches! Most definitely more fulfilling than trimming HSTs, but your right, its so nice when they are all the exact same perfect size :-)

Dianne Neale said... 7

You've inspired me to try a pouch. Not to make all those HST's though!

ScissorsandThread said... 8

The pouches look great, I love the Tanya Whelan one too! I need to get practicing for the swap too.

Leanne said... 9

Those are lovely pouches, good idea to practice, I might just do that too.

Unknown said... 10

They look so good! nice and straight. Perfect!!

Live a Colorful Life said... 11

very cute zippy pouches!

Inspiredbyfelix said... 12

Very good ends indeed! must check out that tute cos mine are nowhere near that perfect! x

Shocking Hocking said... 13

great pouches - love them

Melinda said... 14

I do HST's the same way. I always make them an eighth of an inch longer and trim to size. Like you said, tedious, but so worth it. And good going on the zipper practice! I have yet to even try one.

felicity said... 15

Ugh. HSTs. I have a love-hate relationship with them. Hate the trimming, but love the look.

Speaking of love. Your pouches - gorgeous!! Anyone would be delighted to receive those in your swap!

Canadian Abroad said... 16

Perfect zip ends.

Judith, Belfast said... 17

Lovely zippered ends! Jxo

Anorina @SameliasMum said... 18

Perfectly gorgeous. Zips are so scary! You are a brave woman :-D said... 19

O_oooo, I love tabbed ends on your zippy pouches, thanks for the link to the tutorial, great job!

Dorian said... 20

Great little zip bags! Some times simple, quick projects are just what you need.

Katy Cameron said... 21

112 blocks to square? o.O You're a far better woman than I trying to tackle that in a oner!

(ps, thanks for sorting the comments, even if I didn't get this far up the list in the work madness today!)

Archie The Wonder Dog said... 22

The pouches are great - good luck with the rest of the HSTs!

Lucy | Charm About You said... 23

The pouches are totally gorgeous!! Love them both :)

Susan said... 24

Great zips! Oh Hideaway...sitting on a stash of that for a project someday. Thank you for the link to the zip tutorial - I've been needing to work on my tab ends too. :)

Claire Jain said... 25

Haha! Zippers in the zippy pouch. I laughed out loud! Just me? ok ;-)

Crafty Tokyo Mama said... 26

I totally see what you mean about the pencil case fabric looking like water. To me, it looks like part of a Japanese garden and water, whether real or raked decoratively into gravel, is always a part of a Japanese garden. Both zippys are great!

The Sunflower Patch said... 27

Love the cute fabric in both of your zippy pouches Sarah. Wow! 112 in one sitting? You are amazing :)

SewHappyGeek said... 28

Hey Sarah! I announced your series today on SewHappyGeek Feature Friday where I also featured you link! :)