Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014.....the year of the stash (busting)

I'm feeling pretty excited about the new year. Usually I find January a bit miserable and dreary - all that depriving myself of food on yet another diet, and the dark mornings and evenings. But this year is different. My baby girl turns 1 next week and the amount of joy she has brought to our house is immeasurable. Maybe that's why I'm so hopeful and full of energy. I've had a year (mostly) at home and have been doing quite a bit of thinking. I've done quite a lot of sewing, but really, not a whole pile of blogging. And the one thing that has really, really suffered is my blog reading - and I feel I've slipped away from loads of my quilting friends, slowly but surely, in the past 18 months. I'm pretty sure that's because I'm not in touch with what you are all doing. And I feel my blog has been lacking in energy in that time too. But (if you're still reading!) I miss you guys! I promise I'll try to do better. I really feel the lack of blog reading in my quilty inspiration, as well as the chat and banter. I don't know what's going on out there! And I've realised that being part of the online quilting comunity is such a huge source of inspiration to me - seeing what other people are working on, getting caught up in quiltalongs etc - its such an essential part of my sewing energy.

So - here's what I want to do this year.

1. Be more energetic. In everything, home, work, family, hobbies. Push myself, but not in a bad way. And develop good eating and exercise habits now that Christmas excess is behind us. I was doing really well with this in the Autumn, before I ran into health issues, so I hope I can pick up where I left off.

2. Blog my progress. I realise I've slipped into blogging mainly finishes, with very few progress posts. Maybe that's why the blog is lacking energy. Is a parade of finishes a bit boring? (I think so!) Progress posts are my favourites, in lots of ways - I love getting opinions as the project unfolds, getting advice, posting the realities of the problems I'm encountering. Need to try harder here.

3. Sew more new projects rather than making the same pattern a couple of times. I did too much of this last year, but mainly by request. This year, I want to challenge myself technically, try something different.

4. Sew more small projects. (Especially a new set of cushion covers for our living room, considering all the current ones on the sofa are beyond hideous at this stage.) Small projects always keep me fresh, keep me interested. And they're great for trying something new technically (see point 3).

5. Sew projects from the books/patterns I bought in the last few years instead of buying more new patterns.

6. Really, really, REALLY work on my FMQ skills. Try new designs. I bought Angela Walters book last year, now I need to use it. I'm tired of doing the same FMQ stipple over and over again. Stop worrying about ruining good projects and go for it. And I need to figure out my machine's issues or get it serviced so I can straight line/cross hatch quilt again.

7. Write some more patterns and tutorials. Yes, they are a lot of work, but they are fun and challenging and so so worth it.

8. Lastly, use up my (gigantic) stash.That's it there. Except, today, it is even bigger and much less tidy. Stop buying fabric just because it's pretty and I "need to have it". Stop buying fabric full stop, except where I need background fabrics, or backing etc. And use my scrap bin. Empty it, preferrably. But even if I don't empty it, make a sizeable dent in it. This was my scrap bin last July. It's grown again since then.

 My name is Sarah and I have a fabric problem  just turned my scrap bin out on the floor to look for something and realised how huge it is (the fabric and the problem!)

Is anyone interested in doing this with me? How about a project a month from your scrap bins? Put those scraps to work. Would you join me, we could do it together. I could put a linky up on the last day of the month for people to post their projects. They can be big or small - whatever you want. Let me know if you're interested!


Lucy | Charm About You said... 1

How how how are our babies nearly one?!! I want to cry even thinking about it! I think you have fun and realistic goals for the next year and I look forward to seeing your progress :) Stash projects sound like a lot of fun!

Pam @ Quilting Fun said... 2

I love New Years Resolutions! The thrill of signing up for one more thing! I really want to give my stash a work out so I am in.

Sew Hungryhippie said... 3

Yes I'm in! I've been making lots of things with my scrap bin, it just got too ginormous! Loving your resolutions, they are right up my alley. xx

Emma said... 4

I'm definitely up for some scrap bin busting!! Some great resolutions there. I need to make a few of these myself :)

Rachael said... 5

great resolutions, especially the scraps, i'm in, they're starting to over-take the sewing room

Svetlana said... 6

what a fantastic plan for 2014. I would totally be in for some scrap busting. My scraps seem to multiply when I'm not looking.

Leanne said... 7

I've missed your blogging but a baby takes up so much time. You sound a bit like Rebecca Lynne, who has a group of folks who are not buying new stuff, you might want to join her group. Although I will still be purchasing fabric, I am into using the scraps this year and will join you in that.

Wild Irish said... 8

I love reading your blog and you were my inspiration to start quilting in the first place. Would you be interested in selling a scrap bag if so I would love some.

Budsmam said... 9

I would love a scrap busting link up, was thinking about putting that down as one of my goals for this year

memmens said... 10

I'm still here! Don't beat yourself up about how your year went, you had a new baby in the house, something had to give! Great plans for the year, I work from scrap bins all the time, just going to stash if I have too!

Jennie said... 11

Scrap busting sounds like a good plan - btw - you are an inspiration - so much sewing with a small baby makes me think that when my Baby arrives in the next few weeks I'll still have time to sew - that thought has kept me going on dark non-sewy days - so thank you!

Mokki said... 12

Doing a scrappy project a month sounds like a great idea, and totally doable with everyone encouraging each other. I don't have a blog so won't be able to link up but Im in and will sew along.
By the way I love how tidy your stash shelves look, I wish my space was so tidy!

Leigh Anne said... 13

I am absolutely working on whittling down the scrap bin this year :)

Val JH said... 14

With you all the way. More learning, more FMQ, and definitely scrap busting. Happy New Year!

Isisjem said... 15

I definitely hear where you're coming from re blogging etc. I also need to get working on not just my stash but my scraps too so it would be great to be able to sew along with scrap projects. Happy New Year!

Karen said... 16

Such a wonderful post! Count me in on the scrap busting. I am getting tired of stash and scraps and need to do fun things with it. Happy new year Sarah!

Lynz said... 17

I have a fairly small stash but my scraps are ridiculous. My one crafty resolution was to start using them up (I've already started an economy block quilt!) so I am definitely in. Although you're now making me think about FMQing, too. I free motioned my first few quilts but it's so much less effort (and less painful on the shoulders) to straight line I've really got in a rut with it.

Lynz said... 18

I have a fairly small stash but my scraps are ridiculous. My one crafty resolution was to start using them up (I've already started an economy block quilt!) so I am definitely in. Although you're now making me think about FMQing, too. I free motioned my first few quilts but it's so much less effort (and less painful on the shoulders) to straight line I've really got in a rut with it.

jane said... 19

Yes please! My scraps have taken over. I'd love some motivation to use them up.

Lori said... 20

Those sound like some good goals. For me the scrap bin is what I tend to work from. I even buy scraps from a local quilt shop. I need to start using my stash. And yes, I have told myself over and over again to stop buying fabric. So addictive.

Unknown said... 21

Yes, please do some scrappy projects! I'm determined to use up lots of my scraps this year too!

Shelley said... 22

I just found your site today via the app "Zite". Great post and congratulations on your new baby. My babies are grown and nearly gone, so enjoy this time. I can personally attest to the help that Angela Walters FMQ books provide. I've seen a huge improvement in my FMQ using the patterns and tips she provides. Best of luck with your resolutions!

Shelley said... 23

I just found your site today via the app "Zite". Great post and congratulations on your new baby. My babies are grown and nearly gone, so enjoy this time. I can personally attest to the help that Angela Walters FMQ books provide. I've seen a huge improvement in my FMQ using the patterns and tips she provides. Best of luck with your resolutions!

Cindy said... 24

I am so with you on number 2 - I seem to have forgotten my day-to-day stitching and went right to only "huge" posts. I like your list a whole bunch, missy.

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said... 25

I am with you! I have a huge stash too! And the shopping for more...those 50% off coupons at Joann's are my downfall! I get them and can use many at one time is just common sense to buy on sale and have it when I need it! But I am hopefully going to not buy anything new for 6 months and use my stash! My problem is I don't like scrappy quilts...I am an over organizer and everything has to have a reason and they just seem to cluttered to me...but..if it uses up my stash so I can buy more...I think that might be my "reason" to start making scrappy quilts!! said... 26

I'm with you on the lack of blog reading. I follow so many and sometimes my reader is just too overwhelming. I think your goals are achievable. Happy new year

Linda Coleman said... 27

what a great idea, I have so many scraps that are too good not to use and I need to do something with them, count me in

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 28

I have already laid my cards on the table about using my ridiculous stash this year (though I was hoping no-one would notice and pull me up on it!); so I'll be in for stash-busting!
I even pulled a few bundles and pre-cuts today that I want to use for definite!!!

Di said... 29

Your blog was one of te first that I ever read and I always enjoy reading your posts. I would like to sew along with you and use my scraps up too. Di x

Marcia R said... 30

I'll join you on the scrap busting! Love your blog, but your attention in 2013 was exactly where it needed to be - on that precious babe!

Schulz Family said... 31

I would be interested - my scrap pile increases!!!

Helen said... 32

Count me in for the Stash Busting!

I am determined to decrease my stash (so I can buy more!!!!)


pandchintz said... 33

Of course I'm still reading you - I've only just found you!! Please keep posting!! I've started a project from my scrap bin, but I'm doing it by hand so my progress will be r.e.a.l.l.y slow!! If that's ok, I'd love to join in.

Modern Quilt Guild Ireland said... 34

I'm absolutely with you on the scrap challenge of one thing per month, but I'm not going on a fabric diet - who am I kidding with so much fabric in this house!?!? Anyway, I'll be stitching with you each month. xx

Rhonda the Rambler said... 35

I'm in....let me know if I can help!!