Monday, December 9, 2013

Win a Rainbow Fabric bundle for Giveaway Day!!!!

Today is Sew Mama Sew giveaway day and I have a really lovely giveaway for you today :-)

If you're visiting my blog for the first time as part of this giveaway, welcome. I'm so happy to meet you! I'm Sarah, I'm a modern Irish quilter living in beautiful Cork in the south west of Ireland. I love making quilts and pretty things. I'm a super busy working mum, with 3 smallies and a lovely hubby to look after, in addition to my job and my quilting addiction. You can find out some more about me here and you can have a quick look at my gallery of lovely projects here. I hope that you will come back and visit me again when the giveaway is over :-) Because my life is so madly busy at the moment, I don't get to blog quite as often as I'd like. But I do post pictures of what I'm working on over on Instagram and on my Facebook page all the time, so do please come and chat with me on one of those places! You'll find the links for all the places I hang out online up on the top right of my sidebar.

I spent a little while thinking about what to give away today for the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveway day. And I thought it should be something I would love to win, if I was entering. So today's prize is a combination of my 2 favourite things - fabric and a quilt book.

First up, I have put together, from my own (rather overflowing at this stage) stash, a lovely bundle of fat eighths in a rainbow of colours. There are 2 FEs of each colour. The fabrics are all gorgeous, designer quilting cottons from designers like Aneela Hoey, Kate Spain, Vanesa Christenson, Lizzy House, Tanya Whelan etc.That's 2 whole yards of fabric!!

The second part of the prize is the lovely quilt book Modern Baby. 

This book is full of lovely patterns for baby quilts, including my one of my own patterns, Modern Shapes Sampler:

I'll keep the entries simple. I'm putting together my Christmas wish list, and of course, quilt books are on it. For your entry, tell me what your favourite quilt pattern/book is. Please ensure that you leave your email address in your comment unless you are absolutely 100% certain you have your Blogger profile set up to receive replies via email.

For a bonus entry, follow me over on Instagram (@sewfairyface) or Facebook ( and let me know you do.

I will ship internationally. This giveaway will close on the evening (Irish time) of December 13th. Winner will be drawn at random. If I cannot contact the winner, I will redraw.

Good luck!


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Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said... 1

My fav quilting book is Material Obsession!

Eileen DiPietro said... 2

One of my favorite patterns is "Swoon" which I'm going to set as a 2014 goal for myself. Thanks for the chance

Kay said... 3

My favourite quilt book is Sunday Morning Quilts. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Eileen DiPietro said... 4

I follow you on Facebook and Instagram.

Kay said... 5

I already follow you on Facebook.

Unknown said... 6

Thanks for the chance! Love all your work!

Jodi said... 7

I love love love your rainbow fabric selection, especially since I don't actually have a single one of them in my stash and quite a few of them are on my wish list.
I haven't made my first quilt yet - I am working on one with a friend then my new year gift to me will be time to make my first 2 quilts. This does mean that at this stage I can offer little advice on quilt books. I have been hanging out to get Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt blocks. I have a friend that has it and it is just beautiful and full of great patterns.

Jodi said... 8

I like you on Facebook and follow you on Bloglovin'.
Thanks for sharing in the give away fun.

Catherine said... 9

Thanks for the lovely giveaway. My favourite quilt book is anything by Kaffe Fasset.

Catherine said... 10

I follow you on FB.

Anonymous said... 11

My favorite quilts books are the 2 most recent from Sarah Fielke. Thanks so much!

sarah schraw at gmail dot com

Paula said... 12

Fabulous giveaway. Thank you so much. My favourite quilting book is The Quilter's Bible - How to make a quilt and much more by Linda Clements. This was the first quilting book I bought and the one I used to teach myself quilting so it will always be my favourite I think.

Paula said... 13

I'm happily following you on Bloglovin and on facebook.

Chris said... 14

I have been reading the Ultimate Quilting Bible by Marie Clayton from the library - love it so much I have asked Santa for my very own copy! I have been following you on FB for some weeks now!

Sarah said... 15

My favourite quilting books are the Scrapbasket series.

Sarah said... 16

I follow you on Facebook and in Bloglovin.

Isabel.A. said... 17

I love the book Growing up Modern, by Allison Harris.

Anonymous said... 18

I love all the Thimble Blossom's patterns - and love that they're PDFs too!

Keela said... 19

Well I only own one quilting book which is The Practical Guide to Patchwork but my wish list this year is of course Modern Baby, Sunday Morning Quilt or Modern Patchwork....blimey the list could go on! susangrier at hotmail dot com.

Lynz said... 20

What an amazing prize, dude!!

I love the ubiquitous Single Girl and Swoon patterns. And my favourite book is probably one yard wonders.

Lynz said... 21

I follow you on IG.

Thanks for the chance to win! x

CrazyCatLady said... 22

I'm kind of old fashioned and like the traditional block patterns. Thanks for the chance to win!

leanne said... 23

what an amazingly generous giveaway ! I'm getting quite a collection of quilt books and I love so many of them ! As I can't decide on one I've listed three !
Modern Minimal by Alissa Haight Carlton - Quilting Modern by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pedersen - Modern Blocks compiled by Susanne Woods !

leanne said... 24

I follow you on instagram - thanks for the second chance !

Ginette said... 25

I follow you on IG and FB!!

Wild Irish said... 26

Totally love the Swoon at the moment but to be honest there are too many to choose from.

Ginette said... 27

There are so many books out there right now, it's hard to pick just one. I would love to add Quilty Fun to my library. Thanks for the opportunity!

Janina said... 28

That Moderd baby quilt book looks we were told we have a new grandchild on the way!

Unknown said... 29

My favorite pattern today, since that's what I'm working on, is a Union Jack paper-pieced pattern.

Unknown said... 30

I follow you on IG.

Wild Irish said... 31

Totally love the Swoon at the moment but to be honest there are too many to choose from.

Unknown said... 32

Following you on Facebook

Chris the Quilter said... 33

I'm currently working on a quilt from Scraps and Shirttails II by Bonnie Hunter

chris - the - quilter at bigpond com

Chris the Quilter said... 34

I follow on instagram as chrisquilter

chris - the - quilter at bigpond com

Unknown said... 35

Forgot to leave email address in my comment that my favorite book is S is for Stitch by Kristine Czepuryk…cute designs for embroidered quilt blocks for little ones.

Kristy said... 36

I think my favorite pattern book right now is quilts fun by Lori holt. Love seeing those happy fabrics in loris book and on your blog on this snowy utah morning. Email is

Unknown said... 37

I love "Quilt Yourself Gorgeous" - it has some beautiful patterns, templates and everything for gorgeous gifts, quilts, wall hangings and more. It's fab!

Unknown said... 38

I already follow you on instagram

Unknown said... 39

Facebook follower also!

Hayley said... 40

Vintage quilt revival is on my Christmas wish list, I am hoping to be able to say post December 25th that it is my favourite! (Also fab and very generous prize!!!)

Sarah Carey said... 41

Any of Sarah Fielke's books would be great! Thanks for the giveaway, I'm sarahbelle.carey@gmaildotcom. Fb and IG stalker too!!!

Hayley said... 42

I also follow you on Instagram

Cindy said... 43

That's one gorgeous pile of fabric you have there, missus. Favorite book. Huh. I think I'd re-direct that cash to a FQly subscription. That's not what you want to hear, is it? Still, it always inspires me.

Cindy said... 44

I am a happy follower too :)

Gabriela said... 45

I would love to add this book to my collection. My favorite book is Patchwork, Please! By Ayumi of Pink Penguin. Gcastillomail at gmail dot com

Patti said... 46

Right now I'm liking Camille Roskelley's books. I plan to work my way through both of them this year. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

Patti said... 47

I follow you on Facebook.

Tammy said... 48

I am a Facebook follower

Tammy said... 49

I really like the book More 90 minute quilts by Meryl Ann Butler. Thank you for the chance to enter. love your gorgeous fabrics you chose. conn_and_vans_mom atyahoodotcom

Sheryl said... 50

The quilting book I most want is Tula Pink's 100 Modern Quilt Blocks. I don't really have many quilting books yet, but my wish list is full of them

Sheryl said... 51

I follow on feedly

Pauline G said... 52

I love modern quilts and so anything by Sarah Fielke

verykerryberry said... 53

I love Ayumi's book, patchwork Please!

Gabriela said... 54

I follow you on Instagram! Thanks for the chance to will this lovely giveaway. Xo. Gcastillomail at gmail dot com

memmens said... 55

I love Kaffe Fasset books so beautiful to look at, I have a few I guess my favourite is Passionate Patchwork - thanks for the giveaway

memmens said... 56

I follow you on IG

Tina Short said... 57

Asking me to choose a favorite book is like asking someone to choose a favorite child....impossible, however just recently I have been delving more and more into Sunday Morning Quilts. So thats my fav at the moment.

Anonymous said... 58

I am completely in love with 500 Quilt Blocks right now - so much great info for a tiny little book!

Anonymous said... 59

Following you on Instagram :-)

Aimee said... 60

My favorite quilt book is Encyclopedia Of Pieced Quilt Patterns by Barbara Brackman. It has so many blocks in it & I can figure them out for any size I need. Plus, it's just a neat reference book. Thanks for the lovely giveaway

Laura said... 61

Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! My favorite quilt pattern is the log country!

Sweet blessings,

Aimee said... 62

Like you on FB as Aimee Marie

Lisa England said... 63

A couple of my favorite books are the Scrap Basket books by Kim Brackett.

Anonymous said... 64

I don't have a favorite quilt book. I don't have any quilt books. I bought my first pattern yesterday "beveled blocks" by Aardvark quilt

Anonymous said... 65

I don't have a favorite quilt book. I don't have any quilt books. I bought my first pattern yesterday "beveled blocks" by Aardvark quilt

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 66

Good morning Sarah....I love the Quilt Almanac....pattern would be Giant Dahlia. I have so many of them over the years!!

Anonymous said... 67

I receive emails and liked you on face book and posted a comment

Whit said... 68

I really like Sunday Morning Quilts!! I also love Liberty Love. I'm on the bandwagon of Mercelle Medallion quilt love!! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! whitclark24(at)hotmail(dot)com

Whit said... 69

I follow you via intagram and facebook!!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 70

I am a total fan of any pattern by Kristy @ Quiet Play - her patterns rock!! Wonderful giveaway - great colours!!

Anonymous said... 71

My favorite boom right now is Tula Pinks City Sampler!
I follow you in Instgram and Bloglovin.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said... 72

Right now my wish list is out of control, but the first one I love is Modern Baby.

Thanks for this chance

Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said... 73

I follow you on IG and Fb (Aureas Kitchen and Teresa Alcantara)

charlotte said... 74

My favorite book is Sunday Morning Quilts. I have used it to start a bee on Flickr that is entering it's third year in January. You do sew some lovely things. Thanks for the giveaway.

Margaret said... 75

I love Angela Walters book on free motion quilting. Thank you for the giveaway

Margaret said... 76

I follow you by instagram and facebook

Mika said... 77

I'm not much of a quilter, but I like more traditional patterns

Marie said... 78

I follow you on Facebook

Marie said... 79

Thanks for the giveaway! I really like all of the Quilty magazines!

Myself said... 80

What a great giveaway!!
I love to make crazy quilts, always works for me :)
Many thanks for the chance to win!

Myself said... 81

I'm already your follower on FB (Dana Yaari), thanks!!

Leigh Anne said... 82

I'm a Sunday Morning Quilts fan :)

Leigh Anne said... 83

I follow you on IG!

Allison C said... 84

I really like Patchwork, Please! By Ayumi of Pink Penguin

Dorian said... 85

I have a handful of 'go to' quilting books on my shelf. My latest favorite is Beginners guild to Free Motion quilting, by Natalie Bonner. Thanks for a great giveaway, Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said... 86

My favorite quilting book is the classic "It's OK If You Sit on My Quilt" by Mary Ellen Hopkins. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Unknown said... 87

I follow you on IG! Lisadcox 4 at gmail dot com.

Jennifer said... 88

What a gorgeous bundle! It's hard to pick just one favorite quilting book but I love both of Elizabeth Hartman's books.

Unknown said... 89

I love Free motion quilting by Angela Waters.

Jennifer said... 90

I've been following you on IG since #swoon2013 (craftyjennifer on IG)

cheeky monkey said... 91

Absolutely gorgeous! this rainbow is stunning and I would love to have a look at the book. I do not know if there is a quilting book I need but I would love to get "Quilting on the go". Think that must be perfect for all the classes you sit outside waiting .. the other one I thought might be great especially if you have a boy in the house is "" This is on my wishlist and Santa might be nice ...

cheeky monkey said... 92

Sure I follow on Instagram :)

Barbara O. said... 93

My favourite book is Sunday Morning Quilts. Thanks for the chance!

Classic Con said... 94

Quilt yourself Georgeous is a great book! Love your stuff. Wish my stash was a beautiful as yours!

B Greene said... 95

My favorite quilting book is Sunday Morning Quilts - I just love scrappy! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway chance!

B Greene said... 96

I follow you on Facebook!

Sarah Russett said... 97

What a lovely giveaway! I live swig your projects on IG. My favorite book is Camille Roskelleys Simply Retro. I think I want to make every quilt in there! Lol

Sarah Russett said... 98

Oops just noticed my typos up there on my first comment. I do love seeing your posts on IG

Miggsie said... 99

My favorite book is Simply Retro by Camille Roskelley - so many cute patterns! Thanks for the giveaway!

Miggsie said... 100

I follow you on Facebook. Thanks again!

Gwendellyn said... 101

Quilting patterns? Let's see, the one I haven't been able to get out of my head recently is Jen Kingwell's Gypsy Wife! It'll be a while before I can take that plunge though...

What an absolutely lovely bundle of fabrics btw!! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Gwendellyn said... 102

I follow you here and on IG! @therainbowrevolts

Sue said... 103

Hi! I'm a follower on FB and Instagram. My fav book is Quilting Modern by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pedersen. Thank you for the chance to win and happy holidays!

Sewing Directory said... 104

There's just so many to choose from. Eye candy wise I love the Material Obsession books, technique and useful advice wise I like Marie Clayton's Quilter's Bible and what I'm most likely to make wise I think 3 Fabric Quilts is a good book of simple designs. I also love Tula Pink's new City blocks book.

CLS said... 105

I love the LeMoyne star all sizes!

annabelle said... 106

I don't have many quilting books but a do have a few on my wish list. One on the list is Material Obsession. Thank you!!!

knottygnome said... 107

i really like Hand Quilted with Love. i borrowed it from the library and it is now definitely on my wishlist. thanks for the giveaway!

knottygnome said... 108

i follow you on instagram.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said... 109

Love Material Obsessions!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said... 110

I follow you on Instragram!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said... 111

My favorites are probably the Material Obsession books. Lots of inspiration in them.

Melissa said... 112

I love my quilt block encyclopedia and Angela Walters' Free Motion Quilting book.

Melissa said... 113

I follow you on IG: @sewbittersweetdesigns

Tanyia said... 114

I really love the Modern Holiday book!

Tanyia said... 115

I follow on FB as well

Anna said... 116

Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite right now is Quilting Modern :)

Vicki H said... 117

Right now I like Quilt Fun by Lori Holt. Thanks for the giveaway.

Vicki H said... 118

I already like you on FB. Thanks

Oso said... 119

I think Sunday Morning Quilts, but it's a hard choice. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!


Bonnie Pfrimmer said... 120

My favorite is Sunday Morning Quilts. Nice choice of quilts in the book.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said... 121

I follow you on facebook and e-mail.

Sarah said... 122

I follow on Facebook :-)

Taryn V. said... 123

Material Obsession 2 is my favorite quilt book. Sarah Fielke's work is so beautiful!

Taryn V. said... 124

I follow you via Bloglovin' and Instagram.

Monica said... 125

My current favorite pattern is Shell Shelter by Java House.

Alison V. said... 126

I really love some of the classic quilt books like Quilts Quilts Quilts and Say it with Quilts.

Alison V. said... 127

I really love some of the classic quilt books like Quilts Quilts Quilts and Say it with Quilts.

Meg said... 128

My favorite pattern right now is Swoon. I've been working on this for a while now!!

Meg said... 129

I currently follow you on IG and FB!

Judy H said... 130

Material Obsessions and Material Obsessions 2....

Judy H said... 131

follow on fb

Deanna said... 132

Hmmm, I don't really use quilt books. I'm more of a single pattern buyer than a book buyer. Thanks for the giveaway - would love some fabric to play with.

Dawna C said... 133

Love getting your emails and updates. Great inspiration shared 'round the world! Thanks

Taslim said... 134

I love Elizabeth Hartman's two patchwork books - such great inspiration!

Dawna C said... 135

Heading over to follow you on FB too!

Jen Barnard said... 136

I love Schnibbles (both volumes) by Carrie Nelson.

Paula said... 137

The pattern on my wish list is 'Swoon'. I'm a bit late to the game, but I've loved seeing all the Swoon-Alongs and after the hubub of the holidays settles down, I'm going to get the pattern and get to swooning!

Paula said... 138

I follow you on facebook and blogger. (I dont do instagram or pinterest)

Jennie said... 139

I'm working on Aspen Frost from Cora Quilts - I love the finished quilt and I love all the chain piecing!

Jennie said... 140

I follow you on instagram!

LethargicLass said... 141

I love Modern Bee by Lindsay Conner :)

Katrin said... 142

I love Swoon by Camille Roskelley. Thanks!

Unknown said... 143

I like a lot of different quilt books....but I can't seem to resist anything by Sarah Fielke. Material Obsession is my latest.I already follow you on Facebook, and I can be reached at kirstie Julia at talk talk dot net.

fenna said... 144

sewing for boys has been used frequently in this house!

Sue H said... 145

Currently enjoying Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks. Thanks for a great giveaway, love all those colors.

Sue H said... 146

Follow you on FB

felice said... 147

I love any pattern with stars...stars of any flavor!

felice said... 148

I am following you on facebook!

Anonymous said... 149

My favourite book of the moment is 500 quilt blocks by Lynn Goldsworthy and Kerry Green

Anonymous said... 150

I follow you on Instagram and FB

Unknown said... 151

Sunday Morning Quilts. Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com

Beth said... 152

My current favorite is Large Block Quilts by Vickie Eppen.

Shauna said... 153

I love Tula Pinks City Sampler, and thanks for the chance

Lynda said... 154

I do not own many books, I am a library person and use that as a source - when on a budget, one must save what you have for buying fabric...a great giveaway for the holidays

Shannon said... 155

My favorite quilt book with patterns is Bella Bella Quilts by Nora McMeeking thanks for the giveaway!

Slice of Pi said... 156

Sunday Morning Quilts is a great book! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said... 157

The Quilts of Gee's Bend

Thank you for the chance!

Celtic Thistle said... 158

My go to book when I am stuck is any book by Elizabeth Hartman!

Celia said... 159

Currently my favorite pattern is Swoon! I plan to tackle that in January!

Celia said... 160

I also follow you on Instagram! Thanks!

Isisjem said... 161

My favourite quilt book of the moment is the 500 quilt blocks that Lynne and Kerry did. I'm not sure I have a favourite quilt pattern. I tend to like easy simple patterns where the fabric does all the talking but I am considering making another road to Tennessee quilt in dark colours this time.

Jill said... 162

I love Swoon so much, but it intimidates me!

Isisjem said... 163

I follow you on IG and facebook

Ella said... 164

Big fan of Material Obsessions!

Chiska said... 165

I don't know that I have a favorite, I've had my eye on the one you're offering here. I just got City Quilts and I'm anxious to try some of the patterns when I catch up on some other projects.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said... 166

So generous of you Sarah! I'm really looking forward to the book, Vintage Quilt Revival. I think it may be my new favorite!

Lindsey said... 167

Lovely giveaway!! Thank you!
I just picked up Quilty Fun by Lori Holt for myself - it so beautifully done and includes A LOT of fun patterns.
happierthanabird at gmail dot com

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said... 168

I love Lazy girl Designs.

Anonymous said... 169

All those colors are lovely! Thanks for the chance. I'm currently loving 15 Minutes of Play!

Andee said... 170

I follow you on fb and on instagram! :)

Pam said... 171

short stack is my favorite pattern

craftykaren said... 172

I am a follower on feedly. My favorite quilts are not usually patterns but I have enjoyed log cabin QAYG projects and I will use patterns for Hawaiian appliqué designs.

Angela Bullard said... 173

I love the book Dare to be Square. It has great, simple, fun projects. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Angela Bullard said... 174

I'm now a follower on Instagram :)

Jill R. said... 175

A favorite pattern of mine is "Road to Tennessee" that I found on the moda bakeshop.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Elise Lea said... 176

Thanks for the opportunity! Such a great bundle of fabric and a lovely book! I love Kaffe Fasset book they are always just stunning and filled with beautiful quilts.

TweetyBeeStitches said... 177

One of my favorite books is Visual Coloring by Joen Wolfrom. It is a feast for the eyes! I follow you on e-mail, blogger and facebook. Total fan here :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

MeasuredandSlow said... 178

My favorite book is Little Bits Quilting Bee by Kathreen Ricketson. I've only made one quilt from it so far but I love all the designs!

Catherine said... 179

Well, my favourite at the moment is 500 quilt blocks. Thanks for the giveaway

Catherine said... 180

And I follow you on IG

Serena said... 181

I like the string quilt blocks, because I can use my numerous scraps in them!
I visited Cork 12 years ago (it does not seem that long) and loved it. Would love to go back.
serenakate @ gmail . com

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said... 182

My favorite quilt book is any book by Heather Mulder Peterson of Anka's Treasures. Thank you for the great giveaway!

Crystal Selluski said... 183

I'm new to quilting, so I don't have a favorite pattern yet - though hexie quilts are intriguing.

Mack and Mabel said... 184

Material Obsession is my current favourite, although Liberty Love is a close second

Mack and Mabel said... 185

I follow on Instagram

Aideen said... 186

Retro flowers bysometinescrafter is my favourite quilt pattern, looking forward to trying it once I master curves! Lovely giveaway

Lisa E said... 187

I like "Modern Blocks". Thanks for such an awesome giveaway.

Madeleine said... 188

I like the farmer's wife quilt sampler book!

Salsy said... 189

Modern Blocks is one I have spent time with. THanks for the chance to win those lovely fabrics.

Unknown said... 190

I like this pattern:

Tiffany said... 191

Awesome giveaway! I love that you picked something that you would want to win yourself. :)
I haven't read many quilting books yet, but I really liked "Free Motion Quilting with Angela Walters." Also, I would love to get my hands on Lori Holt's "Quilty Fun."

barb said... 192

i love any books by debbi kratovil or gerri robbinson. i have quilted for over forty years and all my quilts are hand pieced and hand quilted and donated. my problem is fabric. my income is less than four hundred dollars monthly for disability, so buying fabric is not an option. a few bloggers sent me some fabric, but i have used all of it. thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Tiffany said... 193

I really like the modern log cabin book - it has some great ideas!!

Thanks for the giveaway, this is an awesome prizepack!

Good Golly Ginger - Katie Dold said... 194

My favorite quilting book is Patchwork, Please! Thank you for the giveaway!

Maria - A Playful Stitch said... 195

I'd love a chance to win - thanks! It's hard to pick a fave quilt pattern - but I loved the swoon quilt you recently made! I also like simple squares and stripes.
Thanks for the generous prize, keeping my fingers crossed!
Maria x

Susan said... 196

right now I'm particularly enjoying Sunday Morning quilts. Fresh quilting is also a fav

Jeana said... 197

Not a quilt book exactly, but I LOVE Anna Maria Horner's needleworks notebook - so many fun projects! I also love rainbows, so thanks for the lovely chance!

Susan said... 198

Following you on Facebook

Born4Travel said... 199

My favorite book is Learn to Hand Quilt in Just One Day.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
Bcjsborn at yahoo dot com

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said... 200

I don't own any books yet but I've been intrigued by "Beginner's Guide to Free-Motion Quilting".

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