I debated whether to do a long or a short list. A short list obviously has the advantages of being actually achieveable. But sometimes if you do a long list, you push yourself more than you thought you would. So I'm going to put more on my list than I think is really achieveable in the hope that somehow, somewhere, I will find the energy to move some of these projects on. (This is slightly outside my control in that it involves my sweet baby girl remembering that once upon a time, for quite a long number of months, she knew how to sleep all night, every night. Bloody teething. Grrr.)
Anyway, moving swifly on. Here is the list. It's ambitious. But it's also exciting. Bring it on.
1. Baste, quilt and bind my Made to Measure quilt. This labour of love is going to be hand quilted, and I love the process and I can't wait to start stitching. I'm just dreading basting because of its monstrous 80" x 80" size. ( And I just realised, unbelieveably, that I never blogged this quilt top when I finished it. Doh. See what sleepless nights, 3 kids and a mental work schedule does to your brain.)
2. Spiderweb Quilt.
I have about half my bee blocks back now. Can't wait to get the rest back and get this quilt top pieced and finished. I absolutely love how it's shaping up.
3. Carol Singers Embroidery Hoop
Yes, I know it is April, and I know this is a Christmas embroidery hoop. Obviously, I'm 4 months behind, or 8 months ahead, whatever way you want to look at it. But it is on the list :-)
4. Cardigan for Rachel
I was making great progress on this till I realised I had made a couple of errors and my rows aren't lining up properly. So I need to rip it back a bit and redo it. But if I don't do it soon, she'll be grown out of the size.
5. Teeny tiny hexies
Need to move this on and get a panel done to make either a cushion cover or bag from. Possibly a supertote. Or a messenger bag. A bag. Definitely a bag.
6. Kona precut Hexies.
Half of these are basted, but I have no idea where it's going. (Am I allowed to say that? Maybe not) I'm just determined that wherever it is going, it's going to reach it before the end of June. Ideas on a postcard please.....
7. Tumbling blocks quilt top. This is a UFO for coming up on 2 years now. So high time it was finished. I want to add some lettering in the top left corner first. (I am willing to personalise this with a baby name, and sell it if anyone is interested.)
8. Another cushion for my sofa, using my blogger bundle fabrics. I have a few patterns in mind for this, but haven't made a final decision. But I'll definitely be using these fabrics again for whichever one I choose. All the better if I can work in some handquilting with the matching threads.
9. Sunburst crochet blanket.
This has been sitting around for far too long Will get moving on it.
Ok - yes, like a couple of others, I am now officially exhausted after just typing out that list. So not sure what the chances are of actually getting it done, but if I can push myself a bit I might achieve more than I expect. Off now to lie down for a little rest from brain overload.
Linking up to Katy :-)
If you want full on crazy, check out my list. I love some of your projects!
What a great variety of projects! At least you can be sure you won't be bored this quarter.
You have many great projects in the works! Cannot wait to see them progress..that little cardigan is too cute!
You might be officially exhausted but just thinking about your list has me needing coffee!!
Love your Made to Measure quilt. What a mammoth task to hand quilt but it will look amazing
My suggestion, do your daughter's sweater and the bag. I have a girl's size ten sweater almost completed for my daughter, only one problem, she is 28 now! Best of luck, sincerely, Paula K.
I love the embroidery carolers. I started 50 years ago with embroidery and have been thinking heavily into getting back into it! I have to get permission from my eyes! And the tumbling blocks are really cute..good idea!
Cheri, the Quilting Nanny
Oh I do love a good ambitious list :oD
Great list! Very brave to put so much on - I stopped at five 'cause I know I'll never finish even that short list. I can't imagine how anyone with a job AND small children gets any sewing done at all. The cardigan really should be first, I'm still scarred by the memory of the orange cableknit polyester jumper my mum made. It was at least one size too small but I had to wear it anyway, I still won't wear orange :0) good luck with your list x
Great list! Must get mine done today. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Love your medallion quilt. Handquilting will be just beautiful!
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