Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Operation {Stash} Transformation....and a possible giveaway!

I made this cute little zipped bag last night. I used two squares of fabric (trimmed back) that I had to swap out of a blanket I was making (thanks E for scribbling all over the top bits!) and a great little tute I found for making the zipper ends really neat. I was really pleased with how it turned out. I always have issues with getting my zip ends as neat as I would like and this tutorial was really good, I have a couple of things I need to improve on but this is a massive improvement on what I've done previously. It's now residing happily in my sewing basket!

However, searching around for fabric scraps big enough to use as lining completely wrecked my head because my scraps were all jammed into a big hat box in no order and all scrunched up. I know that in blogland most of what is seen is the finished product and pretty perfect. This nice minky-backed pram blanket I made for my friend for her new baby girl, which, with the little pouch above, are my little projects for Fabric Tuesday this week, for example:

But (like everything) few things in my world are perfect. Here's my non perfect little scrap box:

Between not being able to find scraps for lining my little pouch, and dreading the thought of getting started on my Bottled Rainbow mini-blocks because I couldn't actually find any scraps I actually wanted, I decided today it was time to do something about it all. (In fact, this looks a lot better than it actually was, because this photo was taken half way through the sorting when the fabric had a chance to breathe and was no longer completely crushed in there!)

After sorting out my yardage and FQs a few days ago, I decided today to do something about the scrap stash today. I spent the afternoon on Operation Transformation - scrap style! I ironed and sorted, and ironed and sorted some more and this is what I ended up with. Three lovely neat little baskets, divided broadly into warms, cools and neutrals/multi-coloureds.

Now, this doesn't look like a lot of scraps, does it?

Actually, it is.

Here's the warms:

And the cools:

And the multi-coloureds and neutrals:

And these are only my small scraps! I have another big box of FQs, fat eigthts & large scraps. Plus a huge box of yardage.

So why am I telling you all this?

Well, despite all that stash sorting this week, I am waiting for another delivery (Central Park half yards - 6 of them in the blue and purple colourways. Yum yum!) and my wonderful friend H brought a beautiful little gift of Tanya Whelan FQs with her when she came to visit on Thursday:

So I thought maybe, just maybe, I might do a little giveaway from my stash - in the spirit of keeping it under control. And as a little belated Easter gift to one of my lovely readers!

I'm thinking, a scrappy giveaway. Maybe a zipper bag of varied scraps from my lovely stash and a few FQs? And one of my little scrappy pincushions if you're really really nice to me?

What do you think? Are you interested? Let me know!
If you are I'll start putting the scraps together and will post the giveaway & how to enter towards the weekend.


Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said... 1

Of course I'm interested! your scraps look great. Mine look like your first photo. I really need to deal with mine too. ;) So excited that you got a bunch of Central park. i know you'll do something beautiful with it.

Judee said... 2

Yes, please.

Jo said... 3

Is there actually someone out there who would not be interested?

Rhonda the Rambler said... 4

I'm with Jo (previous commenter)...who could say no to this? Pah-lease!

tusen said... 5

Great idea, of course I'd be interested :) There so many projects you can make with scraps.
Also, it would be great to see "in person" scraps of fabrics I've just seen online so far.

SewSara said... 6

yes yes and more yes!
i looooooove scraps!
great job organizing yours!
even your "messy" photo doesn't look that bad -- haha!!

Elizabeth Dackson said... 7

Wow, you ironed your scraps?? That's awesome, they look amazing - mine resemble the first photo for sure. I love your little zippered bag, isn't Kelly's tute the best? A scrap giveaway sounds like fun! :)

CityHouseStudio said... 8

I love your little zippered pouch!
And your scrap organization is inspiring!
I think a scrap giveaway sounds lovely, Sarah --
your scraps look beautiful!

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 9

Of course we are interested - do you think you have a load of loons for Followers or what!!!

I bookmarked that zipper tute last week too!

the gathering girls said... 10

cute pouch and beautiful quilt....love the fabrics!

Christie describeHappy said... 11

You are doing one of the things on my list too... get scraps in control so I can start my bottled rainbows blocks. Looks so neat and orderly! And yes... I would adore other scraps to play with ... and who can say no to a pincushion!! Funny I was thinking the other day about how bent my pins are and how I want to treat myself to a new box of pins. Sounds silly, but I am sure it would make me happy!

Happy sewing!

Katy said... 12

Ummmm, yes please! I'm always up for some new-to-me fabric!

Cindy said... 13

Yes, we're all very excited! We'd all love a little bright happiness in our stash from yours :)

noga quilts said... 14

What a great post about scraps organization! Makes me want to hit my scrap heap and start sorting it like you did!

As for the giveaway - what a wonderful generous offer!

Sew Many Mamas said... 15

Love your little bag! I love using my scraps and always welcome more : )

Unknown said... 16

Love the little scrappy pouch. It's super cute!

Two Sides of the Rainbow said... 17

Sheesh...I wish my scrap bin looked like that. They are very neat little scraps. I love the quilt and I love the pouch!!

Sharon said... 18

Who wouldn't want a giveaway! :)

Love the zippered pouch!

yorkie mom said... 19

I'm in!!! gougeonathome@charter.net

Anonymous said... 20

Love how you seperated your scraps into warms, cools and neutrals. great colorways for a scrap quilt. Thanks for keeping it real, little in my world is perfect either.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said... 21

Hi Sarah,

Well at least you got a grip on your scraps. :0) I've got laundry baskets down to small baskets full of scraps. Your little zipper bag and quilt are adorable. I'm visiting for Fabric Tuesday. I'd love to have you come by for a visit.

Pink Sparkles for your day,
Stephanie ♥

Stephanie Granite said... 22

Of course we want your scraps! I was already drooling over some of the prints you have in your scrap basket and so the thought of your willingness to part with some makes me ecstatic!

Domesticat said... 23

I am so envious. Here in South Africa we pay R150 per metre for quilting material, so there are really never any scraps left. You only buy what you need and use everything!

Equulibrium Studios said... 24

You could easily inspire me to do a Stash Transformation of my own!! Course, I'd have to trade my scraps OUT to make room for your scraps! ;) ~~~Lisa Marie Dragan equulibriumstudios@live.com

me time... said... 25

I'm the new for scraps, and I love it !!
love your scraps..of course..!!

Rose M. said... 26


One woman's scraps are another woman's treasures! For sure! You've motivated me to clean up my scraps and do exactly what you've done. I've been "thinking" about it, but quite never got around to it! Maybe this evening.

~Carla~ said... 27

Your pouch is absolutely adorable!! And the baby quilt is sure to be treasured! Love the fabrics you chose! :)

I'd love to have a chance to win your fabulous scraps! :)

Nicky said... 28

Did you mention scraps!?? Always interested in nosing in other people's stash! hehe! Well done on the pouch and the tidying up!